June 21st, 2010


Dean Winchester

Looking for someone who’s around a lot, to play a very AU Dean Winchester (and other characters as needed) in a crossover with characters from BTVS. There are also original characters involved. The story is fairly complicated and involved and to be honest this is probably less of an RP and more of a joint fic.

I’ve been RPing this line with someone for a while but would like to try it with someone else who can be around a little more often (and write more than just a couple of lines at a time). I’ve just been writing over email but decided to try it here over journals instead (hence there being nothing at the brand new journal yet).

If anyone thinks they would be interested in this, please, please leave a comment or PM me.

[No Subject]

Vas Captio

Premise | Rules | FAQ
Application | Taken/Held | Wanted | Map

Laying in the middle of a vacant room it's impossible to ignore the scent of glue. Carpet glue. The tell tale stiffness in your back tells you that you've been laying on the hard floor too long. The room is stuffy and bright and vacant. As is the rest of the house. The subdivision. The town. Empty. Oh, there are people here, and maybe they'll be friendly once they know exactly who you are. You see, it's hard finding people to trust here in Vas Captio, and soon enough you'll know why.

For now, check out the florist, the Post Office, maybe even the library. Oh, don't forget that survival kit! Wouldn't want you to starve or miss out on the latest gossip! Plus, those tube socks and tic-tacs are really useful. Just make yourself at home and we'll get to you sooner or later.

Welcome to Vas Captio. You're on our time now, so sit back, try to relax, and just be yourself. That's why you're here, after all; we are very interested in studying you. But, then, you'll find that out soon enough on your own.

Vas Captio is a panfandom horror/survival game that reopened on June 20, 2010. We are currently accepting character holds and applications.



The BBC is one of the most prominent British institutions and the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Many careers have started there and many continue to prosper. This game will focus around those celebrities who have starred (or are starring) in BBC tv shows, dramas, talk and panel shows. There are opportunities for celebrities who are not present in any BBC production, and for more information regarding this you should check out this information post.

[info]smallbox is a brand spanking new character orientated, thread based celebrity game.



[No Subject]


music is my beach house; music is my home town


lyric, CA
track list
a casual game set in the
fictional town of Lyric, California.

Lyric, California isn't a town that much different from any other. It's got nice weather, a college, some high schools with bitter rivalries... And a population entirely made up of the real-life incarnations of songs. It's nothing supernatural, and no one really notices it, but whenever someone from outside of Lyric comes to visit, people get the inevitable "Gosh, your life is just like Jesse's Girl" or "I can't believe he actually wears his sunglasses at night."

my music is where i'd like you to touch.