January 4th, 2010


[No Subject]


One day you go to sleep in your room, you trip, turn a corner, or anything really. The next thing you know you are in a new land, a strange land like you have never seen the likes of before. Others are there but no one seems to know where you are or what you are doing there. People are from different times and different lands.

You all have one thing in common, however. None of you have any idea where you are or how you got there. There are similarities between your lands, you all have magic and mages in existance, you all believe in Gods and Godesses... including Trickster Gods, Kyprioth for some and Lakik for the others. Some of you may have reason to believe that the Tricksters are behind this strange new adventure... and you would not be far from the truth.

Welcome to Tricksters' Realm, a multi-era Roleplay game based on Tamora Pierce's books.

Premise FAQ Rules Characters: Emelan Characters: Tortall Application Cast Contact Friend's Add

[No Subject]

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Welcome to the gateway pub, the pub that connects all worlds and is accessible everywhere. All one needs to do is open a door. It doesn't matter which door either, could be your front door, your bathroom door, even the door to your space ship if you have one. Merely step through the door and you'll be at the pub. If you should want to leave you just need to go out the exit and you'll be back in your own world.


Mistakes have been known to happen but you can always come back to the pub and try again.


There are many reasons to stop by the pub! If you're bored, lonely, looking for advice, looking for someone, looking for a drink, want to play pool, meet new people or simply just want to get away from it all for a while.

The pub is open to many characters, both original and canon. It's a free form community for rpers to simply come and play. There is no application and only a couple of rules. This is a good place for testing out characters, if you're in between games, don't have time for a set game or, even if you are in a game, a place for some fun character interaction.


Check out the userinfo for more details


Torchwood RPG


The 21st century is when everything changes...

At the end of 'Reset', Owen Harper was shot, but his wound was not fatal. Rushed to hospital and into surgery, his life was saved but his injury kept him out of the field and confined to desk duty for a few weeks. To compensate for this, Jack offered Martha a job with Torchwood, which she accepted.

The game starts with Owen back at work after a month off, Martha a full member of the team, her fiancé Tom working at a local hospital, and the team looking forward to Gwen and Rhys' wedding.

MOST WANTED: Owen Harper, Rhys Williams, Martha Jones, Mickey Smith, Andy Davidson.

Game starts: January 4, 2010

...and Torchwood is ready.

Available/Taken Characters
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