Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Wish List

I’m more excited over one glimpse of Carly in the Dark Signer hotel than I am about all of Ruka’s adventures in minus land. Ruka is a main character, she’s there all the time. We have only this one story arc to show everything we’re ever going to see about Dark Signers.
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Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

5D’s episodes 45-48

As if immediately refuting my speculations once again, 5D’s gives us a duel between a Dark Signer and an ordinary person, and yet the geoglyph appears and it’s a Shadow Game. Come to think of it, it worked this way when it was Dark Signer against Psycho, too, didn’t it.
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Sunday, March 8th, 2009

What do Dark Signers want?

Even Jack’s voice actor, in the group interview, said he wanted a clear layout of the case against the Dark Signers. We don’t really know what the DS want to do. Godwin told us they’re evil, but I don’t entirely trust Godwin.

Granted, what the DS are doing doesn’t look good. But what if they’re just trying to make the world more comfortable for dead people? Compare the length of time you’re alive with the length of time you’re going to be dead, and don’t they suddenly make much more sense?

Another possibility is that at least some of them may be involved unwillingly. It seems they didn’t choose to be Dark Signers any more than the heroes chose to be Signers. Some of the DS may be as unwilling as Aki was. And then to find out you’re expected to be evil and destroy the world, and the only way out is to be re-deadened by a Signer…

But the Signers are supposed to be the good guys, and I’d expect them, like Yuusei, to be reluctant to kill. (Although not all of them seem reluctant. And they seem to be converting Yuusei to their way of thinking instead of the other way around, which I find disappointing for “good guys”.)

If you found out you were a Dark Signer, but you didn’t really want to destroy the world, don’t you think it would be easier for a Signer to kill you if you acted like a really bad guy?
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Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009





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Sunday, March 1st, 2009

What about Crow?

So, from what I’m reading, the Signers split up to duel the Dark Signers one on one. Except Yuusei turns back at the first possible excuse read more )
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Sunday, February 22nd, 2009


As seen on 徒然騒然作文 (ttp://

Yuusei: Please give me your son's hand in marriage.
Rudger: I won't give my son to a shellfish like you!

No one is saying they're literally kin, but some fans treat the Dark Signers as a functional family, in contrast to the squabbling Signers.

We do have a surprise revelation of kinship somewhere on the show recently, though. So let's play a game: If you could declare some characters are secretly related, who would you choose? I want to say Kiryuu is really Mikage's little brother.
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Saturday, February 21st, 2009

On vengeance

When is vengeance a petty personal motive and when is it honorable and just? Spoilers. )
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Friday, February 20th, 2009


Concept from 2chan: We know there have been tag riding duels with sidecars, such as Saiga used to do. Imagine Kiryuu and Carly tag dueling Yuusei and Jack for double the angst!

To tick off Jack the most, ideally she'd be riding right on the bike with Kiryuu, but since clumsy is part of her character description I doubt he'd want that. Although another crash would be a convenient excuse to avoid a definite conclusion again.

If Kiryuu and Carly crashed, do you think Yuusei and Jack would just drive away and let the other Dark Signers come pick them up? I don't, I think they'd be captured.

Of course this is all just speculation. The Dark Signers won't tag duel because only one Earthbound God can be on the field at a time. But they seem to get along so well, dressing in co-ordinated outfits and all, that I'd like to see them find a way to use the power of unity. This is still YGO, isn't it?
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Thursday, February 19th, 2009

On grudges

I’ve seen Japanese fans on 2chan, perhaps in support of the heroes, claim the Dark Signers’ grudges are all misplaced or unjustified. YGO has a history of characters with misplaced grudges, such as Mariku. But just because it’s happened before doesn’t mean it always happens that way.
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Monday, February 16th, 2009

I haven’t seen episode 45 yet, but from what I hear Yuusei clarifies he’s afraid of Ccapac Apu, not Kiryuu. Even though it turned out to be a bad duel for Yuusei, that makes sense.

For all that he talks, Kiryuu has been surprisingly soft on Yuusei. Kiryuu didn’t make the bike crash. He didn’t make the sheet metal stab Yuusei. He didn’t dump Yuusei on a bike face down on top of the sheet metal. When Yuusei was at his mercy, Kiryuu didn’t run him over or kick him when he was down, or even finish playing the turn! It’s like Kiryuu was looking for the first possible excuse to let Yuusei go.

So far, Carly is the most ruthless of the Dark Signers.
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Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Crackpot pairs

Too late for Valentine's Day, oh well. 5D’s seems to be pushing the pairs Yuusei/Aki, Jack/Carly, Ushio/Mikage (at first I wrote it with Mikage on the left!). But it’s no fun doing something so obvious. This is all crackpot stuff, but what sort of surprise pairs could we come up with?

●How about Godwin/Aki? She wants a cult leader to tell her what to think and what to do, and he leads a cult. Between them, they could keep law and order one way or another: Godwin is a smooth talker, and Aki is an enforcer.

●Jack/Misty. They’re both celebrities who know what it’s like to have a public image to keep up. With each other, they could drop all the pretense and just be their real selves.

●Kiryuu/Carly. He could be comforting her from Jack’s apparent rejection right now.

●In a few years’ time, Yuusei/Luka. He seems especially kind to her, and she seems to understand him well. Right now the age difference is a barrier, but they’re not as far apart as Mai and Jounouchi.

●Again in a few years’ time, Lua/Mikage. She’s a sensible, hard-working person who’s been taken for granted too long. She deserves someone to cherish her, and Lua seems like he’d be the starry-eyed romantic type.

●Ushio/Martha? Again I’m tempted to put the woman’s name on the left side. They’re probably around the same age, so they’ve lived through the same major events. And from what I hear, she has a head start in house-training him already.

Any more ideas? There's more of this in 5D's than there was in DM or GX, maybe because the characters are a little bit older.
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5D's 41~44

5D’s episodes 41~44. Random opinionated comments, spoilers of course.
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Saturday, February 7th, 2009


I've been replaying some of the episodes where the Dark Signers begin to appear. In the clip showing the spider geoglyph disappearing from Nazca, the broadcaster says the spider, giant, hummingbird, and "a few others" have disappeared. We know there are supposed to be five Signers of the Crimson Dragon, but to me it sounds as if there may be more than five Dark Signers.

So even though it looks like we've already met five, it doesn't mean Crow can't become one.
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Friday, February 6th, 2009


Finished object! Armwarmers!
What does this have to do with YGO, you ask? )
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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Crow's rap sheet

Sorry this is so late, I have a cold and it’s slowing me down a lot. Also, I haven’t seen this episode myself yet; I got the text off a thread about Crow on 2chan. But since more than one person posted the same wording, I think it’s probably fairly accurate.

Name: Crow
Territory: Often appears in Satellite regions M~Q.
Home region is B.A.D., therefore no details.

Former member of Team Satisfaction. Read more )
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Thursday, January 29th, 2009

What's in a name?

As the Japanese fans noticed some time ago, 5D's characters whose names are written in kanji tend to come from Neo Domino, and characters whose names are written in kana tend to come from Satellite. There are exceptions, but recent revelations about Godwin (kana) and Yuusei (kanji) only strengthen the pattern. So are there still things we don't know about Kiryuu (kanji) and Misty (kana)?
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Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


Continued from this entry. Also posted to ygo_5ds.

-->Watch for the unpredictable plot and the impressive new characters

Interviewer: What do you focus on in your performance?
Miyashita: Yuusei doesn’t express his emotions very well  )
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Saturday, January 24th, 2009


My copy of the Dec. issue of Seiyuu Grand Prix magazine arrived! This is also posted to the ygo_5ds community at LiveJournal, where my user name is skrymiir.

Yuusei’s party begins a new battle, against a new enemy, the Dark Signers!

Facing new plot developments in October, enter a string of new characters to keep your eyes on. From the must-watch Yuugiou 5D’s, we got together Miyashita-san, who plays Yuusei, and Hoshino-san, who plays Jack, with the new characters: Asanuma-san, who plays Crow, Chan-san, who plays Carly, and Ono-san, who plays Kiryuu. We now present their pleasant duel talk.
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Monday, January 19th, 2009

How dead can they be?

Both Japanese and English-language fans are talking as if the Dark Signa are all dead and reanimated, but no one can quite remember where they first heard the idea or whether it’s definitely canon or not. Read more )
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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

5D's 33~40, some spoilers

I have slow dialup and can’t watch video online. I’ve only recently caught up as far as episode #40. Some random impressions:

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