Posts Tagged: 'mod+update'

Apr. 29th, 2023





We've given people a month now to settle in and get a feel for their characters and the game universe, and now as things start to kick off, we thought we'd celebrate with the very first Incipimus Iterum video!

Obviously, we can't promise that these will drop often, but we still hope to have videos like this be a part of the game. Not just because it's a great visual to add to various events but because... let's be real? Who doesn't want to see their characters in a video?

Enjoy! And if you so wish, subscribe to the Incipimus Iterum YouTube Channel.

Apr. 11th, 2023




GAME UPDATE Hi Everyone!

It’s been a few days since we’ve last checked in and given an update, so we wanted to let you all know of a few things going on behind the scenes.

As you’ll no doubt see from our hold and cast list, we have been absolutely blown away by the amount of interest the game has received. It really means a lot to us all that you are all as excited as we are about the potential this game has, and we cannot wait to write with all of you!

With the game expanding as rapidly as it has, the existing Mod Team has taken the decision to expand.

So, we would like you all to welcome your new two mods who have kindly agreed to help us with the game, Alex and Kate! I’m sure you’ll all join me in congratulating them too, and like us, cannot wait to see what chaos they are plotting to unfold they have up their sleeves!

Keep your eyes peeled as in the coming weeks, we will be starting to get running with some of the bigger overarching plots. Until then, please feel free to scene your hearts out and plot away. We have had many players and characters trickle in this week, so if you have not already hit the button today, can you make sure you run the friends button here when you get a chance.

Your new and expanded Mod Team

Alex, Dash, Kate and Tori

PS. We will be starting to do weekly updates shortly with character adds/drops, and plot announcements, but there have been so many new characters coming in, we've not wanted to bombard you all daily before then!