Posts Tagged: 'game+opening'

Apr. 1st, 2023




Nothin' can stand in our way, you have to believe we are magic

Welcome to Incipimus Iterum

Hello and welcome to Incipimus Iterum. We are beyond blown away by the amount of interest shown in the game so far and wanted to take a moment to say, thank you! Well done you for wading through the epic amount of TLDR contained within the pages. Hopefully, we've been able to provide you with a rich source of information and everything you need to get you on your way.

If along the way you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions we would love to hear from you. Our intent with Incipimus Iterum is to ensure that you, as players, feel you can impact not only what your characters do but things that happen in the game. No idea, no matter how outlandish you might think it is, will ever be dismissed. Even if we can't work it in immediately we will always listen to everything that comes our way and find ways, wherever conceivably possible, to make it a reality.

We look forward to writing with you guys and hope you find what you're looking for here at Incipimus Iterum.
    Dash & Tori

Game Launch

So here we are at our soft game open launch! We have over 15 characters currently accepted in the game, and that number is going up by the day. We appreciate that there are still a decent number of holds, so we are going to allow time for people to trickle in and establish themselves before we introduce the first big game-wide event.

In the meantime, we will be posting some optional mingle posts to allow people a chance to interact with other characters and generate some lines, should you want them. For those who are stuck at Hogwarts, we have heard whispers of a party in the Astronomy Tower. For the adults, well happy hour is about to start over at the Three Broomsticks, of course!

With the game now open though, you are by no means limited to these. The Wizarding World is vast and there are plenty of things that people can see, do or get up to.

Also, please feel free to hit the OOC Comm (Links below) and introduce your character, and contribute to the Wanted's page too, so we can help get in the characters you want to play with!

Finally, don't forget to head over to the 🔒 Contact List and update your friends list when you get a chance!

Current Holds

For those who still have holds, don't forget to check out the hold page to see when your holds expire. If you're not able to submit your apps by then, you will have the option to extend so don't feel the need to rush!

Useful Links