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Feb. 24th, 2013


February 24th ;; late morning

I spoke to Addison Brown a little while back. For anyone who knew Shelley, she'll be having a memorial service on Tuesday, and setting up a stone next to the ones already there.

We're going to have a graveyard soon

Topher )
Lucas )
Zach )

Feb. 12th, 2013


February 12th ;; evening

So, what would you do if something totally weird happened but you didn't think you could tell people because nobody would believe you? >:\

Nick )

Feb. 6th, 2013


February 6th ;; night

Has anyone else been getting weird, skin crawly feelings?

I heard people talking about how they were in the cafeteria, and I've been getting them myself since yesterday. It's not, like... sick or anything? But it's enough to be annoying.


February 6;; afternoon

Is there an off button for the rotating rainbow planets? They're really pretty all but a bit much. The infirmary really isn't that boring to need a planet mobile.

And clothes? The Runt says there's someone round here that knows what's in the supply room and can tell me if there's clothes. I seem to be missing mine, which isn't bad they were kind of gross and stuff or something

And maybe someone can tell me how to get the star to stop getting in the way of me typing. Makes it very hard to

Feb. 2nd, 2013


February 2nd :: evening

This is for everyone who asked me to be less poppy.

Band )

Jan. 27th, 2013


January 27;; evening

It feels like tomorrow should be an orange roll sort of morning. Any objections?

Jan. 17th, 2013


January 17 ;; morning

I'm going on a looting run today, so if there's anything anyone wants me to be on the lookout for, let me know. I'll be here for a couple more hours.

Bea )

Vienna )

Jan. 10th, 2013


Jan 10th | Late Evening

someone wrote pretty words about the moon, that was good
i wish i could write pretty about something

im staying away from the doors though that sounds like that is dangerous with them swinging all the time?

Jan. 8th, 2013


Rae )
Tags: ,

Jan. 7th, 2013


January 7th :: Late Afternoon

I’ll be teaching a few of the older kids how to crochet scarves as a project to keep them busy. It seems they're all getting a case of cabin fever. So if anyone happens to stumble across yarn or crochet hooks while they're out, I would really appreciate if they could be brought to the daycare.

Leah )
Brandon )

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