Apr. 10th, 2013


April 10th;; afternoon

Well Spring is finally making herself known, so I think it's time I ask how people would feel about getting a few more trees planted around here? Also grass. Or well nicer looking grass anyway. If either of those are a go I'll start planning a trip to a nursery for new trees and grass seed.

Nick )
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Mar. 27th, 2013


March 27th :: Early Evening

Seriously, I want it to be summer! I feel like this could be the first summer in forever that I could like go swimming and get a tan and stupid things like that.

Here ends my complaining.

Jax )
Jake )
Caitie )
Maddie )

Mar. 7th, 2013


March 7th :: Afternoon

Just an fyi, there seems to be more wakers out in Ossining right now. Don't ask me how I know this.

Jake )
Maddie )
Jax )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


March 3;; mid-afternoon

Now that I've been here a month. I figure I can offer to help out somehow around here. I was a landscaper in my past life and looking around this place it could use a little work, but that will have to wait until the ground is softer. Otherwise I'll pitch in wherever an extra set of hands are needed if that's alright with everyone else.

Nick )
Talia )

Feb. 25th, 2013


February 25th ;; late morning

I made this with a couple kids in the rec room.

Jamie and Crystal of the Girl's Kingdom say that there are no boys allowed, but I'm pretty sure Jeremy and Ledger from the Land of Boys are planning some kind of castle attack. Just so everyone knows why there's a war happening in the rec room.

Maddie )
Nick )

Feb. 14th, 2013


February 14;; early afternoon

It's my baby sisters birthday so everyone wish Nichole Hensley a very Happy Birthday. And yes I'm entirely sober

Happy Birthday Runt.
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Feb. 11th, 2013


February 11 :: Afternoon

More rain today.

If this place floods, wtf are we gonna do? Probs not enough boats at the boat place down the street for us all to get one...

Also, I'm bored, but that's not new news.

Feb. 6th, 2013


February 6;; afternoon

Is there an off button for the rotating rainbow planets? They're really pretty all but a bit much. The infirmary really isn't that boring to need a planet mobile.

And clothes? The Runt says there's someone round here that knows what's in the supply room and can tell me if there's clothes. I seem to be missing mine, which isn't bad they were kind of gross and stuff or something

And maybe someone can tell me how to get the star to stop getting in the way of me typing. Makes it very hard to