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May. 1st, 2013


May 1st ;; early afternoon

It's finally shorts weather. This makes me unbelievably happy. Soon we'll be able to use the pool again!

Also, I'm helping Nick and Emma Brooks plan a dance. We need more helpers and maybe a theme. And music!

April )
Topher )
Bea )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


April 22nd :: Early Evening

So I've been told I need to be less of a workaholic. In an attempt to try and accomplish that, I've decided to throw an impromptu swing dance party.

Dillon )
Maddie )
Charlie )
Talia )

Apr. 21st, 2013


April 21st ;; afternoon

I've been seriously considering opening a salon in one of the vacant buildings. It's something I've been talking about for awhile, but it seemed like the right time. Another positive and normal thing among the madness, right?

Would anyone be willing to help be set it up?

Love )
Laura, Charlie )
Kori )
Ellie )
Miah )
April )
Lucas )

Apr. 17th, 2013


April 17th :: Afternoon

So who's the joker that built an entire replica of Sing Sing out of tongue depressors? Whoever you are, while I applaud your creativity, I'd have preferred you not use our medical supplies.

Talia )

Apr. 10th, 2013


April 10th ;; early morning

He's crawling. He did it.

I set him in his playpen and he just... started crawling! This totally makes my house arrest resting time worth it.

Topher )
Twins )
Bea, Vienna )
Kori, Ellie )

Apr. 8th, 2013


April 8th ;; early evening

Thank you to everyone who came out to help us remember our brother. A special thanks to Caitie, Miah and Laura for singing with me. I really think he would have liked it. ♥

Zach )
Mads )
Deej )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


April 2nd ;; mid-morning

Johnson siblings )

Apr. 1st, 2013


April 1st :: Night


none of the pranks were me, for the record.


April 1st :: Evening

Someone needs to tell the older kids that jumping out and biting people as they walk out of the cafeteria is not amusing. That has to be the worst joke, ever!

On a lighter note, the little second hand clothing boutique I've set up in one of the spare offices is open. So if you're in need of a couple new items of clothing or something you should come check it out.

Bea )
Leah )
Rae )
Noah )
Charlie )

Mar. 28th, 2013


March 28th ;; late morning

We're going to be having a funeral for our brother Gordy soon, and I'd like to find two or three people who'd be willing to sing a couple of songs with me a capella at the service. Probably one spiritual type song and one secular.

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