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Apr. 26th, 2013


April 26th ;; morning

Emma wants to have a dance. I've got no idea where she got the idea in her head, but if anyone would be willing to help her organize it, that'd be great.

S&L )
Tags: , , , ,

Apr. 21st, 2013


April 21st ;; afternoon

I've been seriously considering opening a salon in one of the vacant buildings. It's something I've been talking about for awhile, but it seemed like the right time. Another positive and normal thing among the madness, right?

Would anyone be willing to help be set it up?

Love )
Laura, Charlie )
Kori )
Ellie )
Miah )
April )
Lucas )

Apr. 19th, 2013


April 19 :: Morning



Am I allowed to be let out now?

Apr. 12th, 2013


April 12 :: Night

Uh, so I'm not sure how to start here, but thanks, to whoever let me borrow their laptop. You can have it back as soon as I turn my Quarantine time is up. Or whenever you want it back, really. I appreciate the things that were sent in here to keep me entertained. You're babbling, Angel, stop it

I'm looking for my cousin Michele Yardley. I heard she was here. It'd be nice not to be alone in here

Oh. And... my name's Angel. No, not like the vampire although it'd be cool to be one of those, instead of a zombie.

Apr. 11th, 2013


April 11th :: Late Evening

Probably should have just contacted Security directly or something, but frankly I'm not sure who's supposed to handle something like this. So the people in power can figure that one out. But someone might want to kindly remind people that the showers are public domain and certain activities should be left behind closed doors.

Ellie )
Rae )

Apr. 10th, 2013


April 10th ;; early morning

He's crawling. He did it.

I set him in his playpen and he just... started crawling! This totally makes my house arrest resting time worth it.

Topher )
Twins )
Bea, Vienna )
Kori, Ellie )

Apr. 9th, 2013


April 10th ;; early morning

I think we have a small-time arsonist on the compound.

A few of the trees on the south end of the compound were lit ablaze, as well as a corner of the old cell block. I saw smoke in a couple of other places, but I can't quite pinpoint where they were.

Silas )
Zach )
Kori )
Eloise )

Apr. 6th, 2013


April 6th ;; night

I'm sorry if I worried anyone.

Topher )
Twins )
Kori )
Regan )
Ellie )
Medics )

Apr. 5th, 2013


Text :: April 5th :: Night

Lucas )
DJ )
Ellie )

Apr. 1st, 2013


April 1st :: Evening

Someone needs to tell the older kids that jumping out and biting people as they walk out of the cafeteria is not amusing. That has to be the worst joke, ever!

On a lighter note, the little second hand clothing boutique I've set up in one of the spare offices is open. So if you're in need of a couple new items of clothing or something you should come check it out.

Bea )
Leah )
Rae )
Noah )
Charlie )

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