August 7th, 2012

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immunenetwork

August 7th ;; afternoon

O'Brien )
Leah )
Rory )
Silas )
Mike )
Ellie )
Luke )
Tags: , , ,

[info]bitterlyimmune in [info]immunenetwork


Yesterday, a second body was located the guard rooms.

We know that it's jarring, that it's scary, but please try and remain as calm as possible. Keep using the buddy system and please try and be inside by the time it gets dark. The lockdown is absolutely still in place, so please stay within the compound walls.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you,
Leadership and Security

O'Brien )

[info]returninspades in [info]immunenetwork

[TEXTS] August 8, 2019; mid-afternoon

Udeday )

* takes place during this