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HP April Fools Fest

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2012 Fest Rules [Feb. 2nd, 2012|03:50 pm]

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Please read these, even if you have participated before just to remind yourself! Again, this year we'll be letting you anonymously pick your also anonymous prompts!

Despite the length of my rule list, I promise this is a ridiculously fun, warm and fuzzy fest!</i>

2012 HP April Fools Fest Rules )
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2011 Rules! [Jan. 9th, 2011|10:07 pm]

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Please read these, even if you have participated before as some rules/requirements have been changed! Most notably, this year we'll be letting you anonymously pick your also anonymous prompts!

Despite the length of my rule list, I promise this is a ridiculously fun, warm and fuzzy fest!

2011 HP April Fools Fest Rules )
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2010 [info]hp_april_fools rules! [Dec. 27th, 2009|08:59 pm]

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Please read these, even if you have participated before as some rules/requirements have been changed.

Despite the length of my rule list, I promise this is a ridiculously fun, warm and fuzzy fest!

2010 HP April Fools Fest Rules )
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[info]hp_april_fools 2009 Rules! [Jan. 7th, 2009|05:40 pm]

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1) All participants and lurkers must be at least 18 years old.

2) If you sign up for the festival and request a fic/art, you must give fic/art in return. Lurkers are encouraged to watch the fest, but they cannot make requests. This is an exchange, folks.

3) If you are an author, you will be creating art in any form for the festival. If you are an artist, you will be writing fic. If you are known for both, you will using alternative mediums.

4) The alternative mediums open to those who are both authors and artists are sculpture (stone, wood, clay, play-doh, butter, etc), fabric arts (quilting, needlework, etc), film (songvids, fanvids, etc), Sims, collage, puppetry, origami, altered book project, etc. The idea is to use a medium you are not experienced with.

5) Sign-ups will run from 07 January to 31 January. Assignments will be mailed out ASAP.

6) There is no rating or pairing restriction. Everything from G-rated fluffy gen to NC-17 gay incestuous cross-dressing bestiality is permitted. (You saw who your moderators are, right?)

7) Fics must be at least 750 words in length. There is no maximum limit.

8) Fics must be spell-checked and preferably beta read. If you cannot find a beta (for either fic or art), we will be making a post to gather volunteers.

9) All fest creations must be emailed as a completed post in Word Doc format, with any necessary coding and the required header, to the Fest Mods at hp.april.fools@gmail.com by 21 March.

10) Hosting for artworks will be provided by [info]pre_raphaelite1, unless you choose to use your own anonymous hosting. (We want the gifts to be a surprise!)

11) All posting will be done by the moderators to keep the gifts anonymous for the month.

12) Posting will begin 01 April and extend through the month. The frequency will be based on the number of received submissions.

13) All fest creations will be exclusive to [info]hp_april_fools until the the names of their creators have been revealed at the end of the fest. Please do not post them anywhere else until then. Afterward, feel free to share and pimp.

14) If you cannot complete your assignment, email the moderators straightaway so that we can make other arrangements.

15) Any questions or concerns can be emailed to the moderators at hp.april.fools@gmail.com .
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[info]hp_april_fools Rules [Dec. 31st, 2007|01:30 am]

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1) All participants and lurkers must be at least 18 years old.

2) If you sign up for the festival and request a fic/art, you must give fic/art in return. Lurkers are allowed and encouraged to watch the fest, but they cannot make requests.

3) If you are an author, you will be creating art of any form for the festival. If you are an artist, you will be writing fic. If you are known for both, you will using alternative mediums.

4) The alternative mediums open to those who are both authors and artists are sculpture (stone, wood, clay, butter, etc), fabric arts (quilting, needlework, etc), film (songvids, fanvids, etc), Sims, collage. The idea is to use a medium you are not very experienced with.

5) Sign-ups will run from 01 January to 21 January. Assignments will be mailed out ASAP.

6) There is no rating or pairing restriction. Everything from G-rated fluffy gen to NC-17 gay incestuous cross-dressing bestiality is permitted. (You saw who your moderators are, right?)

7) Fics must be at least 750 words in length. There is no maximum limit.

8) Fics must be spell-checked and preferably beta read. If you cannot find a beta (for either fic or art), we will me making a post to gather volunteers.

9) All fest creations must be emailed as a completed post in Word Doc format, with any necessary coding and the required header, to the Fest Mods at hp.april.fools@gmail.com by 21 March.

10) Hosting for artworks will be provided if you do not have your own.

11) All posting will be done by the moderators to keep the gifts anonymous for the month.

12) Posting will begin 01 April and extend through the month. The frequency will be based on the number of received submissions.

13) All fest creations will be exclusive to [info]hp_april_fools until the the names of their creators have been revealed at the end of the fest. Please do not post them anywhere else until then.

14) Any questions or concerns can be emailed to the moderators at hp.april.fools@gmail.com .
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