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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]synn! [Apr. 10th, 2012|10:03 pm]

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Title: It's Never Good To Drink on the Job!
Recipient: [info]synn
Artist: Fool #1
Medium: Fabric, thread, carpet tread, buttons, sharpie.
Pairings/Characters: Hagrid/Severus
Rating: R
Warnings/Kinks: nudity (without their thingies, sorry couldn't do it, I did try) and sex (if you squint really hard)
Summary: Severus visits Hagrid the next day after his spider friend died and before they both they knew it the drink was flowing and...well you know ^_~
Artist's Notes: I hope you like it :D You wanted romance and because I wasn't writing nor doing art the next thing I could do was plush dolls, I hope they look like the characters I intended :)

It's Never Good to Drink on the Job! )
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2012 Fest Rules [Feb. 2nd, 2012|03:50 pm]

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Please read these, even if you have participated before just to remind yourself! Again, this year we'll be letting you anonymously pick your also anonymous prompts!

Despite the length of my rule list, I promise this is a ridiculously fun, warm and fuzzy fest!</i>

2012 HP April Fools Fest Rules )
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