April 5th, 2008

[info]bonfoi in [info]hp_alternate

Prompt #1 (for all members)

Prompt #1 is to get introductions out of the way and to give the mod a chance to catch up on tags...

Write an AU/AR drabble using the words insufferable and cauliflower ear along with the phrase, If the devil you know comes calling, do give him my number!

100 words or so of AU introduction...the headers will most likely be longer! *LOL*

[info]bonfoi in [info]hp_alternate

FYI concerning items for posting

Saturdays will be reserved for posting links to recs (please tell us why the story is so special).

As time goes on, we may add other things, but this should help keep the comm a bit more manageable for now.

Thank you all for your patience, kindness and creativity!

~ Your Mod

[info]bonfoi in [info]hp_alternate

Ficlet: Tiger Lily (G)

Tiger Lily

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: LE/JP
Summary: Lily’s power was more than adequate to save Harry, even as Voldemort laughed.
Challenge: [info]hp_alternate Prompt #1: Introduction
Write an AU/AR drabble using the words insufferable and cauliflower ear along with the phrase, If the devil you know comes calling, do give him my number!
Word Count: 332
Genre: Alternate Universe; Action/Adventure
Warnings: none
A/N: I have never been able to stick to 100 words! But, I hope this serves as a good introduction! No beta…but it’s short and sweet!

When Lily's fierce heart wins! )