Posts Tagged: 'character:+ron+weasley'

Feb. 26th, 2021



Journal Harry

So yesterday I found a letter written by my older self at Grimmauld Place. I only read it today, but the gist is that all the ministry's money is in a vault at Gringotts, and everything magical is hidden away somewhere with clues at Hogwarts, Hogmeade and Diagon Alley. The bank's key is hidden at Hogwarts.

Warded to Ron

I found some things in the house, personal things, but also the cloak and the resurrection stone. Apparently I never learned to do as I was told.

I got married. To GINNY. Like a few months after the date I came here. I have no idea what happened and I have no idea how the papers we found never mentioned it, but the pregnancy happened before the wedding. That might explain why we got married. I found some pictures and we looked happy. I hope we were. Also I found this letter.

Letter )

Feb. 25th, 2021



RP: Ron & Severus

Who: Ron & Severus
When: 25 Feb, 2038
Where: Hogwarts, then Muggle London
What: Mission: Recognizance

Still a greasy git )



Journal: Open

Assignments for the Day:

Remus and Dad - Godric's Hollow. This is recon only. In 2003, most of the big cities have cameras in very corner. In 2038, even small villages might, so be careful. Apparate outside the town and check out the old wizarding homes.

Dora and Sirius - Kenmare. Same as Godric's Hollow. Recon only

Ron and Professor Snape: Check out St. Mungo's. Take what you can and we can go back for everything else or send house-elves.

I'll be going through the Ministry and Grimmauld Place. And Draco is coming with me.

Regulus, you'll be here for protection.

We'll use these to share information while we're out.

New Arrivals:

Lucius Malfoy arrived this morning.

Feb. 23rd, 2021



Journal: Open

We have arrived on the 11th and we haven't done much of anything. It's time that we become a little more pro-active since it's obvious that more people are coming through.

1. We need to collect everything from magical buildings across the country. Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade are important, but we should make houses in mixed cities our priority because they are most likely to be discovered.

2. Let's have teams that go to Godric's Hollow, Kenmere, Wiltshire, Dorset and all the wizarding villages near the stadiums.

3. Draco, we need a list of all the manors like yours that would be in the middle of nowhere and with house-elves. Those most likely have food, supplies and house-elves. We might want to convince them to come here instead.

All of this depends on one thing. Do we think that the hex is gone now that everyone has been dead for six years? Professor Snape, maybe you can deal with that part since you're the most likely to figure magic out.

We can form teams of two to go out, but we'll also need enough people here, so a rotating system might work best. We also need to keep in mind the full for Remus. We'll also need people here to direct the house-elves has we create an inventory for what we have.

Feb. 18th, 2021



RP: Ron & Tonks

Who: Ron & Tonks
When: 19 Feb, 2038. Mid-morning
Where: Hogwart's grounds
What: Catching up and a quick patrol

It's good to see you )

Feb. 17th, 2021



RP: Harry and Draco Arrive

Who: Harry, Draco, maybe others.
When: May 2, 2003/February 17, 2038
Where: Hogwarts
What: the Chosen one arrives with Malfoy in tow

Welcome to Hogwarts )

Feb. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Ron & Sirius
When: evening, 16th February, 2038
Where: Ron's room
What: Books can only tell you so much

Ron is Better than the Library )

Feb. 12th, 2021



RP: Ron & Regulus

Who: Ron & Regulus
When: midday, 12th February, 2038
Where: Hogwarts' grounds, specifically the Greenhouses
What: Practical things and Horcrux discussion

This was weird. )



Journal: to ALL

The house-elves have said that we all have one of these journals. I don't know why we might need them in the future since there are enough house-elves to send messages, but I figured that we might as well test them out to see if they work.

Also I settled in the dungeon. It's where the Slytherin common room used to be. It is now my apartment. Perhaps you can share where you are so we can find each other without having to ask the ghosts.

Finally, the Red Baron said that whatever killed everyone was not the product of Slytherins or even Dark Wizards, but apparently half-blood and Muggleborns doing some and I quote 'indecent Muggle experiments on Magical beings'. I'm not sure what that means, but it's worth investigating (unless someone could get a better answer).

Feb. 11th, 2021



RP: Back to the Future

Who: Open
When: midday, 11th February, 2038
Where: Hogwarts
What: Wizards find themselves at Hogwarts

What is happening? )

Feb. 9th, 2021



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