May 6th, 2021



Journal: James

[Lily, Jamie, Albus & Lilu Potter]
You lot okay?

Are you back today?

D'you reckon this what my Dad felt like when we let all those Nifflers loose?

I know Ron's ditched, but I've got nothing else to do so I'm still going to go in. Even if it's just target practice or something, I dunno... Anyway, feel free to join.



RP: Harry and Draco

Who: Draco & Harry
When: 6 May, late
Where: Harrys Room
What: Harry can't hide forever

Read more )



Warded to Theo

I have a question for you. You objected to the nomination and voting last time and had problems with the way things were run. So since no one wants to run the ministry and we sort of need one, why aren't you nominating yourself since you have ideas on how things are done.



[No Subject]

Who: Severus & Harry
When: 6 May
Where: Headmaster's Office, then who knows?
What: A discussion about the aftermath

He got up from behind the Headmaster's desk and began to pace the room, his thoughts turning back to the previous days' ructions )



Journal: Hogwarts Filter

Since no one wants the job, and since no one can agree on anything, I feel we should have nominations.

I nominate Theo since he caused this mess and he should be stuck with the job.

Feel free to vote in this post and if he has more votes than his non-existent opponent, he's Minister.



Hogwarts Filter

The last shipment of brooms has arrived, a day ahead of schedule. I believe this means everyone should now have a broom, and we have eleven as backup. Unless anyone objects, I will focus on other areas until a later date, at which point I will assess if more brooms are necessary for whatever reason.

Ms. Patil, I have also acquired your subscriptions to the two top fashion magazines in Europe. The fabric acquisition is in progress.

It seems that the wheels keep turning, no matter what tantrums people throw.