May 3rd, 2021



Warded to Ron and Hermione

Hey Ron, do you know anything about Parvati wanting to start DAMN aka Department for the Advancement of Magical Needs. She's talking about soldiers, music, clothes and lots of things I don't know about, but if she can work with people while they do their other jobs, I don't see why say no, but I wanted your opinion. Hermione's too.



RP: Sirius and James Sirius

Who: Sirius and Jamie
When: Evening, May 3rd
Where: The Quidditch Pitch
What: Sirius is blowing off steam

Read more )



RP: Harry/Draco

Who: Harry/Draco
When: Evening, 3 May
Where: Harry's room
What: He's still not sure what to do

What do you think? )



RP: Savannah/Myron

Who: Savannah/Myron
When: 3 May
Where: Hufflepuff common room?
What: Savannah wants to get to know this younger Myron.

I can't believe you're here! )



Journal: Parvati

Warded to Harry )

Warded to Lucius )

Warded to Kirley )

Warded to Jamie and Lilu )

Warded to Scorpius )

Warded to Snape )