Parvati Patil (parvati__patil) wrote in hogwarts_dawn, @ 2021-05-03 19:49:00 |
Journal: Parvati
Warded to Harry
Harry, after speaking with Ron, I don't feel that I'm fit to be in the new DMLE. I'm not a soldier and while I will fight should the need arise like I've done in the past, I think our real war is elsewhere. I want you to put me in charge of the Department for the Advancement of Magical Needs (Feel free to call it DAMN).
We need to create an economy and that means creating products that we can export. That won't just give us money, but it will force the Goblins to exchange our currency because foreign countries would need galleons. I'm willing to work with people who are currently in other departments but have part time schedules. That would mean that everyone gets to work the eight hours even if it's in more than one department. I will, of course work with the heads of those departments.
Warded to Lucius Malfoy
Possibly strange question, but should the need arise, would you be able to deal with commerce and treasury?
Also I need subscriptions the top fashion magazines of Europe, both for men and women. Once we have that, we'll need fabric supplies, but I'll give you the list later.
Warded to Kirley
How would you feel about giving up treasury and working with Myron to create and produce records? Possibly a live recording of your best songs while you create new ones? Also possibly figure out a way to create clips to go on the journals. If you want to keep treasury, I'm sure you could be able to do both. What is your preference?
Warded to Jamie and Lily
I know you both have jobs, but I can't imagine they require much time at the moment, so I was wondering what it would take to get you to work for me in a new department I'm creating. You'd have complete leeway and time to do what you're already doing. I'd need you to create ad campaigns for a line of clothing, cosmetics, and various different things we'll sell internationally.
Also Lilu, do you think you can find goblin magazines and see which beauty potions are hard to come by and/or are very expensive?
Warded to Scorpius
I need your talents in a new department I'm creating. You can keep doing what you're doing for Harry, which will take about 2 hours a week, but I want to design, sow (I can do that), model and sell clothes. I want you to be my model and create ad campaigns that will go in the journals.
Warded to Snape
Headmaster, I know this might seem like a random request, but would you have the time to make really expensive beauty potions for both wizarding folks and goblins? Or at last supervise? Also how about a new perfume? Or two? One for men and one for women. We could call it the Hero collection.