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Apr. 24th, 2008


Of Geysers, Unexpected Rain and Icelandic Sheep - Team EWE

Title: Of Geysers, Unexpected Rain and Icelandic Sheep
Team: Team EWE
Author: [info]nefernat
Prompt: Strength
Wordcount: 22,249
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Sometimes a holiday is more than just a trip to another country.
Author's Note: Thank you to Team EWE, all who were involved (I'll be pointing fingers later) and to the mods for running this fest!
Disclaimer: Headers are songs by Coldplay.

Of Geysers, Unexpected Rain and Icelandic Sheep )


Life's Hidden Forces (can only be discovered by living) - Team Epilogue

Title: Life's Hidden Forces (can only be discovered by living)
Team: Team Epilogue
Author: [info]kabal42
Prompt: Strength
Wordcount: ~17,600
Rating: R (going on NC-17)
Warnings: BDSM in main pairing (not particularly explicit, but a key element of the story), polyamory, cheating/infidelity (for a while), positive view of Ginny
Summary: It is never easy to love or need - especially not when it hurts to do so.
Author's Note: Information on the card Strength can be found here. Thanks, love and respect to mods, participants, my Team and it's fabulous captains! C gets my first-born.

Life's Hidden Forces (can only be discovered by living) )


Still Life in Wood and Parchment - Team Canon

Title: Still Life in Wood and Parchment
Team: Canon
Author: [info]scrtkpr
Prompt: Strength
Wordcount: 6,500
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Twenty-two years ago, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy turned their backs on the life they could have had. But they haven't forgotten; and they haven't guarded their secrets closely enough.
Author's Note: More about the prompt "Strength" can be found here. Thank you to my wonderful betas.

Still Life in Wood and Parchment )

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Companions in the Dark - Team Fanon

Title: Companions in the Dark
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]yura_slash
Prompt: Death
Wordcount: 4,366
Rating: R
Warnings: vampiric bloodlust, minor character death (of an OMC) implied
Summary: Severus sends Draco to the only place that he can be safe.
Author's Note: The Death card portends the destruction of a harmful attitude or belief, which is followed by renewal. I explored this meaning with the support of my Team and beta, J.

Companions in the Dark )


Beneath Boundless Skies - Team EWE

Title: Beneath Boundless Skies
Team: EWE
Author: [info]blamebrampton
Prompt: Death
Wordcount: 29,800
Rating: M
Warnings: Character death (not H/D), homosexual activities, rampant Australianisms
Summary: The end of one journey is the start of another. No matter how hard it is, nor how long it takes you to make the first step.
Author's Note: Many thanks to my betas, the lovely team EWE and the mods for running the fest. And to everyone who has ever danced in the face of death.

Beneath Boundless Skies )


Day of the Dead - Team Epilogue

Title: Day of the Dead
Team: Team Epilogue
Author: [info]_pinkchocolate
Prompt: Death
Wordcount: ~18k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: On the evening of the anniversary of the war, everything changed.
Author's Note: Death represents destruction of the old clearing the way for new growth. I used both figurative and literal interpretations. Thanks to my teammates for their invaluable last minute help!

Day of the Dead )


Nothing Ventured (Nothing Lost) - Team Canon

Title: Nothing Ventured (Nothing Lost)
Team: Canon
Author: [info]furiosity
Prompt: Death
Wordcount: 5000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Some violence.
Summary: Feelings are purest in the hours of meeting and farewell.
Author's Note: Betas, thank you. <3 I hope the shade of Jean Paul Richter doesn't mind me eviscerating one of his thoughts for use in my summary.

Nothing Ventured (Nothing Lost) )

Apr. 20th, 2008


Between Love and Honor - Team Fanon

Title: Between Love and Honor
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Prompt: The Lovers
Wordcount: 2730
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Sexual suggestion
Summary: Draco is faced with the need to choose between the desires of his heart and his obligations to his family.
Author's Note: Special thanks to my lovely friend and teammate who beta'ed this. Also, good luck to the rest of Team Fanon!

Between Love and Honor )


Lamp in the Cooling Room - Team EWE

Title: Lamp in the Cooling Room
Team: EWE
Author: [info]sansa1970
Prompt: The Lovers
Wordcount: ˜9000
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: Draco and Harry become snared in a trap, but they're not alone. Love guides our path for reasons we can't always understand.
Author's Note: The Lovers: A card of crossroads, tension, and a decision. Duty or your heart's desire? A test that affects the rest of your life. Endless thanks to my beta readers.

Lamp in the Cooling Room )


The Last Voice - Team Epilogue

Title: The Last Voice
Team: Team Epilogue
Author: [info]malachic
Prompt: The Lovers
Wordcount: About 5,900
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Infidelity, cheating, angst
Summary: Who knew a single letter could change so much?
Author's Note: Hugs to Team Epilogue, especially N and L, without which this fic would be considerably worse. Interpretation of card is literal and tarot.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling and those to whom she has licensed her creations, including without limitation Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. The author is making no profit from this story.

The Last Voice )


No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy - Team Canon

Title: No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy
Team: Team Canon
Author: [info]themostepotente
Prompt: The Lovers
Wordcount: 15,000 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: First-time, digital penetration, infidelity, humour, snarking, epilogue-compliant
Summary: When Harry and Draco are conjoined in a freakish accident, they must learn to set aside their differences if they've any hope of survival.
Author's Note: The Lovers can mean literal, soul-bonding romantic love. It can also indicate an intuitive decision that cannot be forced, a matter in which there are several possible choices.

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy )

Apr. 17th, 2008


Precious Things -- Team Fanon

Title: Precious Things
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]charlotteschaos
Prompt: The Tower
Wordcount: 15,200
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
Summary: Scorpius Malfoy has been kidnapped and only one boy man hero can save the day.
Author's Note Thanks to my betas L and A. This story is based on the four elements of the Tower card according to Wikipedia: chaos/sudden change, crisis/revelation, disillusionment and downfall/ego blow.

Precious Things )


The Affairs of Men -- Team EWE

Title: The Affairs of Men
Team: EWE
Author: [info]sesheta_66
Prompt: The Tower
Wordcount: ~ 17,000
Rating: R
Warnings: None.
Summary: Having just survived the war, Draco prepares, with some trepidation, for life to get back to normal, or as normal as it can be after war. What he is not prepared for is upheaval, the complete transformation of the world in which he lives. How he chooses to react and move on will determine his fate in this post-war wizarding world.
Author's Note Thanks to my beta, J, and my team! All quotations contained herein are from various works of William Shakespeare.

The Tower: the meaning and the story.

The Affairs of Men )


DIY Messiah -- Team Epilogue

Title: DIY Messiah
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]scoradh
Prompt: the Tower
Wordcount: about 27,000
Rating: R
Warnings: none.
Summary: Harry stopped hating Draco Malfoy on Bring Your Kids to Work Day.
Author's Note Thanks to my betas, who hereafter have my eternal gratitude.

DIY Messiah )


Ring A-Ring O' Roses -- Team Canon

Title: Ring A-Ring O' Roses
Team: Team Canon
Author: [info]melusinahp
Prompt: The Tower
Wordcount: 20k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: character deaths, EWE
Summary: Some demons are harder to banish than others.
Author's Note So much love and gratitude to my team members for all their help and encouragement.

Ring A-Ring O' Roses )

Apr. 16th, 2008


The Opposite of War -- Team Fanon

Title: The Opposite of War
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]dacro
Prompt: The Empress
Wordcount: 8070
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual situations in a public place, swearing, violence
Summary: The opposite of war isn't peace; it's creation.
Author's Note The Empress: The Great Mother. Accomplishment, nurtures children, strong, confident. Reverse Empress: The Poor Mother. Possessive, jealous, disruptive, indecisive, confused, squanders. Thanks to [DJ], [SB] and [BL].

The Opposite of War )


Black's Blood Curse -- Team EWE

Title: Black's Blood Curse
Team: EWE
Author: [info]rickey_a
Prompt: The Empress
Wordcount: 9100ish
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Teddy Lupin is gravely ill, and only the blood of the closest living Black male relative can save him.
Author's Note Thank you team EWE!

Black's Blood Curse )


How Do You Mend a Broken Heart -- Team Epilogue

Title: How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?
Team: Team Epilogue
Author: [info]mahaliem
Prompt: Empress
Wordcount: 26,532
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, sexual situations
Summary: In order to keep custody of his children, Draco needs to find a spouse that will shore up the Malfoy family's tattered reputation. But what starts off as a means to an end gets more complicated when Draco's target reawakens feelings in him that he hasn't had in a long while, and Draco starts to feel alive for the first time since his wife's death.
Author's Note Empress Prompt—Parenting, Nurturing, New Love, New Life.

Thank you to my betas—M, N, O, and fellow team members, with an extra-special note of gratitude to M.

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart? )


A Dark Place in Time -- Team Canon

Title: A Dark Place in Time
Team: Canon
Author: [info]cutecoati
Prompt: The Empress
Wordcount: ~ 9000
Rating: PG
Warnings: EWE
Summary: What on earth was her son thinking, falling for Harry Potter of all people, Narcissa wonders. But after the death of her husband, she finds him useful in many, and sometimes surprising, regards.
Author's Note: Many thanks to my wonderful beta S. All remaining mistakes are mine.

A Dark Place in Time )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Toast for Two - Team Fanon

Title: Toast for Two
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]dracofiend
Prompt: The Hierophant
Wordcount: 8152
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry is tired of eating toast for two.
Author's Note: Thanks to my terrific Team Fanon, and to my littlest p. ♥

Toast for Two )

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May 2009



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