Feb. 24th, 2009


What if Wufei hadn't joined Mariemaia? Arc

Title: Apathetic
Rating: PG/K+/P
Character: Wufei, mentions of others
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Sad, characters' deaths
Notes: Companion to Imposter, My Life, and Master Duo.
Summary: What if Wufei hadn't joined Mariemaia?
Disclaimer: Standard. Written for the "What if...?" challenge (prompt Wufei) on gw500 on LJ.

He should have taken Dekim up on his offer )

Title: Imposter
Rating: PG-13/T
Characters: Dekim, Trowa
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Character Death, some Language
Notes: Companion to Apathetic, My Life, and Master Duo.
Summary: Dekim prepares for his speech.
Disclaimer: Standard. Written for gw500 on LJ.

he was listed and registered as an ex-OZ official )

Title: My Life
Rating: FRC/K/A
Character: Une, Mariemaia
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Character death
Note: Companion to Apathetic, Imposter, and Master Duo. Written for gw500 on LJ: #210 - Life
Summary: Une contemplates her life.
Dislaimer: Standard

In the end, what was life? )

Title: Master Duo
Rating: FRC/K/A
Characters: Duo, Rashid
Word Count: 500
Note: Companion to Apathetic, Imposter, and My Life. Written for gw500 on LJ: #222 - Duo
Summary: Duo recuperates and wonders what to do.
Dislaimer: Standard

you could scratch your eye )

Oct. 5th, 2008


A Way Of Telling

A Way Of Telling

Rated: R

Pair: 3+4 (very bitter), 1+3, hint of 1+2, and 3x2 at the end.

Warning: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, dark humor, language

Note: I noticed that Mot and E wanted something happy after those cannibalism fics (note: this fic has nothing to do with cannibalism), and since I'm still trying to get beyond my block, I wrote this. It's... erm... happy! Very happy. Uh, yesh. Very, very happy. xD

Dedication: Therefore, because of the way I was inspired to write this, this fic is for anyone who did or plans to do the challenge at [info]gw_dark, or just anyone who's a member of the comm. *kishies*

Summary: Trowa fails to commit suicide.

He was stuck with the God of Death on suicide watch, and if that wasn't the most asinine thing he'd ever heard in his life, his name wasn't Charlie. Which it wasn't. But you get the idea. )

Sep. 16th, 2008


Got Milk?

Got Milk?

Pair: psycho!Duo, Trowa

Warning: umm... everything, but most especially DISTURBING. That bit about the spiders makes me itch. (Doh! Did I say spiders?!)

Note: For the latest prompt table about milk at gw_dark. Sequel to Sleep Tight, but this can be read as a stand-alone.

Aww, baby doesn't look so good. )


Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight

Pair: (dark) 1+2, hints of 3+1.

Warning: Um... messed up. Very. Also, darkish. And... weird. Did I say messed up? Dialog fic. Psycho!Duo.

Note: Somehow inspired by the prompt table. Was tired, couldn't sleep. Sick. Wrote this. My first ever dialog fic, mostly because I was waaaaaaaay too out of it for pretty description and such. Heh!

Summary: Duo hates the cold. Really.

You ever see Star Wars? )

Sep. 11th, 2008


Trowa drabble

Just a drabble inspired by the new table of prompts at the mirror site. Doh!

Title:   Guilt: It's What's For Dinner
Characters:   Trowa and the mercs
Rating:   FRT, as per the FR Rating System
Summary:   drabble, exactly 100 words inspired by the prompt 'cooking'
Read more... )