Sep. 16th, 2008


Fic Challenge: autocannibalism

I was just replying to a comment from [info]motley_sis in an LJ comm and was reminded of a truly disgusting comment thread just above it with [info]cozzybob. Yesh, when disgusting things happen it usually involves those two. Doh! Anyway, it got me thinking about whether self-cannibalism was even possible or believable.

So here's a challenge! The premise is simple: any character you choose must face the possibility of having to eat a part of himself/herself for some reason. The character doesn't necessarily have to go through with it...for instance, if it's Trowa it might be that the mercs find him again before he has to actually cut off anything. It could be Heero on a training mission for Dr. J to test his determination to live. It could be Quatre having to prove to the maguanacs that he's worthy of their loyalty.

Yayzors to Cozzy for coming up with banners for this!

Deadline:  October 1, 2008


Banners for the fic challenge.

Not sure if E posted the fic challenge here, but I'm posting this anyway! For those that are curious, click here.

Three banners for the autocannibalism fic challenge. Still looking for the other boys too, I'm not quite done yet! After you write a fic, just take your favorite and proudly proclaim at you ate yourself. ^^

Please try to upload to your webspace, is the best for that. I'd give you my bandwidth, but unfortunately I don't have a whole lot. Hee!

Yay, pretties. )

Not sure how good they are, but I hope you enjoy! Sorry Dorothy and Duo are png's--I know those take longer to load, but the red is apparently an issue with jpg's and they came out blurry otherwise. *kishes*