Sep. 16th, 2008


Got Milk?

Got Milk?

Pair: psycho!Duo, Trowa

Warning: umm... everything, but most especially DISTURBING. That bit about the spiders makes me itch. (Doh! Did I say spiders?!)

Note: For the latest prompt table about milk at gw_dark. Sequel to Sleep Tight, but this can be read as a stand-alone.

Aww, baby doesn't look so good. )


Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight

Pair: (dark) 1+2, hints of 3+1.

Warning: Um... messed up. Very. Also, darkish. And... weird. Did I say messed up? Dialog fic. Psycho!Duo.

Note: Somehow inspired by the prompt table. Was tired, couldn't sleep. Sick. Wrote this. My first ever dialog fic, mostly because I was waaaaaaaay too out of it for pretty description and such. Heh!

Summary: Duo hates the cold. Really.

You ever see Star Wars? )

Sep. 11th, 2008


Trowa drabble

Just a drabble inspired by the new table of prompts at the mirror site. Doh!

Title:   Guilt: It's What's For Dinner
Characters:   Trowa and the mercs
Rating:   FRT, as per the FR Rating System
Summary:   drabble, exactly 100 words inspired by the prompt 'cooking'
Read more... )

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Art: Duo Committing Murder (manipulation)

After I did the icon for [info]gw_dark, I realized I didn't have any blood brushes for Gimp, and so I downloaded a bunch the day before yesterday. Last night, having nothing better to do (I was majorly blocked on the sequel to Scars and my parents had the internet--doh!!), I combined these pictures I found on my puter (I have a huge pictures folder), and photomaniped this!

This is first manip I've done on such a level, but I like how it came out. It's Duo, bloodied up, having committed murder. THERE IS A BODY, but don't worry, she was only an actress (minus blood) when I started. All blood and shadowing is my fault. Hee! And the knife was added too.

But I should probably shut up now. Hee! Clickors and tell me what you think! This took a lot of time wasting!

Warning for gore. )