February 24th, 2009

[info]woodlandelf in [info]gw_dark

What if Wufei hadn't joined Mariemaia? Arc

Title: Apathetic
Rating: PG/K+/P
Character: Wufei, mentions of others
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Sad, characters' deaths
Notes: Companion to Imposter, My Life, and Master Duo.
Summary: What if Wufei hadn't joined Mariemaia?
Disclaimer: Standard. Written for the "What if...?" challenge (prompt Wufei) on gw500 on LJ.

He should have taken Dekim up on his offer )

Title: Imposter
Rating: PG-13/T
Characters: Dekim, Trowa
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Character Death, some Language
Notes: Companion to Apathetic, My Life, and Master Duo.
Summary: Dekim prepares for his speech.
Disclaimer: Standard. Written for gw500 on LJ.

he was listed and registered as an ex-OZ official )

Title: My Life
Rating: FRC/K/A
Character: Une, Mariemaia
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Character death
Note: Companion to Apathetic, Imposter, and Master Duo. Written for gw500 on LJ: #210 - Life
Summary: Une contemplates her life.
Dislaimer: Standard

In the end, what was life? )

Title: Master Duo
Rating: FRC/K/A
Characters: Duo, Rashid
Word Count: 500
Note: Companion to Apathetic, Imposter, and My Life. Written for gw500 on LJ: #222 - Duo
Summary: Duo recuperates and wonders what to do.
Dislaimer: Standard

you could scratch your eye )