February 22nd, 2009

[info]theoriginal_ist in [info]gw_dark

[fic] As the World Falls Down; Ch. 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Death, angst.
Characters: Dorothy, Treize, Zechs, Noin, Relena.
Note: Chapter four.  This one is posted a little early since the last one was posted a little late.
They were born into a world of soldiers and politicians, aristocrats and royalty.  A world where there are two sides to every story, two faces to every person.  Their childhood was stolen from them the moment they learned to reason, the moment they learned the benefit of a lie.
Chapter: Four: Wish Upon a Star
Chapter Summary: In which there is much alcohol, Dorothy is a baby-sitter, Zechs is annoyed, Treize is manipulative, and Noin is not pleased.
Link: http://theoriginal-ist.insanejournal.com/1248.html