December 18th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]gw_dark

*scratches head*

The Greatest Loss

Pair: 1x2

Warning: second-person POV, suicidal thoughts, language, death. DARK.

Note: I found this on my puter. read it, scratched my head, said, "Huh," and after much debate, decided to post it. If I remember right, I was going to end this with the first part having been a nightmare, but I never got that far, and I don't feel like writing it in. Hee! If you hate the ending (and you probably will), write a new one for me. No, really. Think of it as... a round robin of sorts! Heh!

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, I started this for the challenge at gw_dark ages ago about... post-war badness. Like, the pilots not being able to cope with peace, I think? *ponders* Hm. Anyway...

Summary: Nightmares are just another way of getting to the heart of the matter.

Heero has a rather phallic gun to your head. )