July 2012




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Jul. 4th, 2012


RP: Get back in my life.

Date: July 4, 2001, night
Characters: John and Teagan
Location: John's place
Warning: Somewhere along the time it got adult for sex.
Public/Private: Private
Summary: After after Sam tells her of the deal, Teagan goes to confront John and won't let him ignore her at his door. (The cut is not a sign of Teagan being a stalker. She is not. I swear. And I'd be the first to admit if my character was a stalker.)

Please don't resist anymore, I'll never leave you alone. )

Jun. 28th, 2012


RP - Three olives, shake it up, I like it dirty

Date: June 28th, 2001
Characters: Zacharias, Mandy and eventually, Demelza
Location: The Leaky Cauldron
Warnings: Excessive drinking and encouragement of excessive drinking
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Zach and Mandy set out on a quest to find an alcoholic beverage Mandy will enjoy and they will succeed! Hopefully before alcohol poisoning sets in.
Status: Incomplete

Tequila for my friend, it makes her flirty )

May. 26th, 2012


RP: As your shadow crosses mine, what it takes to come alive

Date: May 26, 2001
Characters: Lavender & Malachi Lestrange
Location: The Gallery Studio, Muggle London
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Lavender and Malachi have their first alone time since having the baby. They have some issues to iron out.
Status: Incomplete

It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny. But I've gotta let it go )

May. 13th, 2012


RP: I see that you're torn. I got some scars on my own.

Date: May 13, 2001, afternoon
Characters: Oliver and Sam
Location: Oliver's place
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Oliver and Sam have to discussion some things before they can move on.
Status: Incomplete

It seems I want what I know will leave me hungry. )

Apr. 12th, 2012


RP: I know it's gonna take some time.

Date: April 12, 2001
Characters: Maddox and Molly
Location: muggle London than the Burrow
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: adult content
Summary: Maddox and Molly go out to dinner to start.
Status: Complete

I don't want to be misunderstood, but I'm starting to think this could be the start of something good. )

Mar. 14th, 2012


RP: Dangerous wolf

Date: March 14, 2001
Characters:Marco Lancaster, Fenrir Grayback.
Location: Marco's apartment.
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Graphic things. Do not read if you are sensitive.
Status: Private

It was a calm Wednesday after closing, and Marco had just finished a bath. His TV was on, on a random channel while he fetched some vegetables he had sliced into thin, snack sized portions. He also carried with him a small bowl of dip, which he put down. His hair was damp, and he was only wearing his comfy pants. Was time to relax, to breathe after a hard day with working. His wolfbane potion had finished brewing, and he had bottled it and hidden the jar's. He had not seen Fenrir in quite a while, which was a relief. Maybe he had forgotten about him? In any case, he leant back, relaxing fully.

Mar. 10th, 2012


RP: Ashamed of being broken in, we're getting off track...

Date: March 10, 2001
Characters: Oliver and Sam
Location: Oliver's place
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Long overdue honesty.
Status: Complete

I want you to agree with me. I want so much so bad... )

Feb. 25th, 2011


RP: Regarding The Oath

Date: February 25, 2001
Characters: Harry and Bastian
Location: Their flat; then Bastian's family estate.
Public/Private: Private
Summary: They talk about the Oath, visit Carrick and have some adult alone time.
Status: Complete

Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2011


RP: public scene

Date: January 28, 2001
Character: Malachi
Location: muggle London
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Malachi is out.
Status: Incomplete

in muggle london )

Jan. 20th, 2011


RP: I would fly to the moon and back

Date: January 20, 2000
Characters: Benjamin & Alette
Location: Out and about Hogsmeade & Alette's mothers house
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Ben and Alette go out on a flying date, then sneak around her mothers place.
Status: Incomplete

If you be my baby )

Jan. 19th, 2011


RP: There had been many moons before I met you, and I ain't going nowhere

Date: January 19, 2001
Characters: Vlad and Gellert
Location: Bamburgh Castle on the Northumberland coast in the village of Bamburgh.
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: Evil doer scheming, blood sucking, sweetness, and who knows?
Summary: Vlad informs Gellert about PAM and they do a little scheming to use them to each others advantage that involves the class. But since it's a full moon, Gellert has to come to him. Vlad's brave, but not stupid. He doesn't step foot outside his castle on full moons which makes a cranky vampire.
Status: Complete

And I know in some ways we're kinda evil. I got my roots, and you've got ties )


RP: I see a bad moon rising

Date: January 19-20 2001 (afternoon of the 19th to the morning of the 20th)
Characters: Fenrir Greyback & Marco Lancaster
Warnings: Greyback with a pretty young thing. If you don't know what that means you haven't read Harry Potter. But, just in case, mentions of guro and then depictions of non-con and molestation followed by transformation into wolves. Probably some general mind-fuckery as well. Greyback's not very nice. :-/
Location: Marco's cafe to some wooded area that's distant enough for them not to harm anything (as this time they aren't going to hunt people).
Public/Private: Private
Summary: FULLMOON - Greyback comes to get Marco as he promised to take him away to experience a "real" transformation during the full moon. There will probably be molestation before/after transformation but you don't have to worry about it during because Fenrir has better to do when he's all wolfish.
Status: Incomplete

I see trouble on the way )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Meeting of a suprising nature.

Date: January 7, 2000
Characters: Fenrir Greyback, Marco lancaster
Warnings: Sex,Rape abuse
Location: marco's Buns and Pastries, Diagon Ally
Public/Private: Private, maybe public later
Summary: Meets up with an unexpected man
Status: incomplete
New Menu )

Nov. 20th, 2010


RP: There's no one here but you and me....

Date: November 20, 2000
Characters: Malachi and Lavender
Location: their room after the wedding
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: It's a wedding night. It will probably get adult.
Summary: It's their wedding night and first night alone for the week since Truth is being babysat.
Status: Incomplete

Lock the doors. We'll leave the world outside... )

Nov. 14th, 2010


RP: Boys night in!

Date: November 14, 2000
Characters: Oliver & Sam
Location: Oliver's
Warnings: Celebratory 'we're exclusive' sex
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Oliver and Sam are hanging out rather than going to concerts. It seems like the better bet to make it work at least until Oliver has to be honest.
Status: Complete

Talk. Talk. Talk. Then other stuff. Because. )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


RP: But I've got a bad, bad feeling...

Date: October 23, 2000, around noon
Characters: Jocelyn and John
Location: muggle London then his place
Public/Public: Private
Warning: hate!sex
Summary: Jocelyn is pissed, upset, and finds John to lash out at.
Status: Incomplete

Left in the pieces that you broke me into... )

Sep. 26th, 2010


RP: Domesticated

Date: September 26, 2010
Characters: Bas and Harry
Location: Harry's flat
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: nsfw boys touching
Summary: Harry and Bas talk about life, the universe and everything. And then they mess around a bit.
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Sep. 11th, 2010


RP: Sitting Here...

Date: September 11, 2000
Characters: Harry and Bastian
Location: Harry's flat
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: nsfw boy/boy stuff in here
Summary: After the passage of new muggleborn law and the take over at Germany, Bastian returns to London (after going home to check on his grandfather) and sees Harry right away.
Status: Complete

Waiting For You )

Sep. 5th, 2010


Reflective: It’s a feeling like this...

Date: September 5, 2000
Character: Bellatrix
Location: muggle London
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Snow White strikes again.
Status: Complete

Cinderella said to Snow White, 'how does love get so off course?' )

Sep. 3rd, 2010


RP: We call it chemistry.

Date: September 3, 2000, evening
Characters: Malachi and Lavender
Location: beach, muggle London
Public/Private: Private
Warning: sex
Summary: Malachi spends some alone time with Lavender for her birthday.
Status: Complete

This the story of the bird and the bees. )

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