July 2012




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Mar. 27th, 2012


RP: I don't need to try to control you

Date: March 27, 2001- Night
Characters: Vlad & Marco
Location: Diagon Alley
Warnings: Possible violence since it's Vlad and he wants to kill something.
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Vlad goes hunting for witches (or wizards)
Status: Complete

Look into my eyes and I'll own you )

Mar. 14th, 2012


RP: Dangerous wolf

Date: March 14, 2001
Characters:Marco Lancaster, Fenrir Grayback.
Location: Marco's apartment.
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Graphic things. Do not read if you are sensitive.
Status: Private

It was a calm Wednesday after closing, and Marco had just finished a bath. His TV was on, on a random channel while he fetched some vegetables he had sliced into thin, snack sized portions. He also carried with him a small bowl of dip, which he put down. His hair was damp, and he was only wearing his comfy pants. Was time to relax, to breathe after a hard day with working. His wolfbane potion had finished brewing, and he had bottled it and hidden the jar's. He had not seen Fenrir in quite a while, which was a relief. Maybe he had forgotten about him? In any case, he leant back, relaxing fully.

Mar. 5th, 2012


RP - A bright and early morning!

Date: March 5, 2001, morning.
Characters: Marco Lancaster & OPEN
Location: Marco's Café.
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Marco is having a rather normal day at work.
Status: Incomplete

Hungry? )

Feb. 16th, 2011


RP: So come out of your cave walking on your hands and see the world hanging upside down

Date: February 16, 2001
Characters: Vlad, John & Marco
Location: Shad Thames Street, Muggle London
Public/Private: Private
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Vlad meets another filthy werewolf. Marco saves his skin before the vampire takes him out.
Status: Incomplete

You can understand dependence when you know the maker's hand )

Feb. 13th, 2011


RP - My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither

Date: February 13th, 2001
Characters: John, Marco and Fenrir
Location: Marco’s bakery
Public/Private: Private
Warning: TBD
Summary: Werewolves gather
Status: incomplete

just enjoy your dessert while it's on your plate. That's my philosophy.  )

Feb. 2nd, 2011


RP: Believing is not always seeing

Date: February 2, 2001
Characters: Lavender Lestrange & Marco Lancaster
Location: Marco's Bakery, Diagon Alley
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Lavender gives Marco a reading.
Status: Complete

Paying more attention to the future than the present )

Jan. 19th, 2011


RP: I see a bad moon rising

Date: January 19-20 2001 (afternoon of the 19th to the morning of the 20th)
Characters: Fenrir Greyback & Marco Lancaster
Warnings: Greyback with a pretty young thing. If you don't know what that means you haven't read Harry Potter. But, just in case, mentions of guro and then depictions of non-con and molestation followed by transformation into wolves. Probably some general mind-fuckery as well. Greyback's not very nice. :-/
Location: Marco's cafe to some wooded area that's distant enough for them not to harm anything (as this time they aren't going to hunt people).
Public/Private: Private
Summary: FULLMOON - Greyback comes to get Marco as he promised to take him away to experience a "real" transformation during the full moon. There will probably be molestation before/after transformation but you don't have to worry about it during because Fenrir has better to do when he's all wolfish.
Status: Incomplete

I see trouble on the way )

Jan. 13th, 2011


Marco's little shop

Date: January 13th, 2001
Characters: Marco and Bill
Location: Marco's Bun's and Pastries
Public/Private: Public
Warning: TBD
Summary: Marco meet a Weasly.
Status: incomplete
Hungry? )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Meeting of a suprising nature.

Date: January 7, 2000
Characters: Fenrir Greyback, Marco lancaster
Warnings: Sex,Rape abuse
Location: marco's Buns and Pastries, Diagon Ally
Public/Private: Private, maybe public later
Summary: Meets up with an unexpected man
Status: incomplete
New Menu )

Dec. 31st, 2010


RP: So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways

Date: December 31, 2000
Characters: Vlad and the Impalers and OPEN TO ALL
Location: The Phoenix Nightclub, Magical London
Public/Private: PUBLIC
Summary: It's New Year's Eve and everyone's out to celebrate.
Status: Incomplete

We will never be anything but loud and nitty gritty dirty little freaks )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Christmas shopping

Date: 18th of December
Characters: Marco Lancaster, open
Location: London shopping area
Warnings: (if applicable) None
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Marco is out shopping, feeling the fact that full moon is closing on.
Status: incomplete

Dec. 15th, 2010


Busy Busy Busy

Date: 15th of December
Characters: marco Lancaster, Open
Location: Diagon ally, Marco's Buns and Bakery.
Warnings: (if applicable) none atm
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Beginning the morning at the Café
Status: Incomplete

Busy busy busy! )

Dec. 9th, 2010


RP - Turquoise Faction Meeting!

Date: November 12, 2000
Characters: The Turquoise Faction
Location: Muggle London, undisclosed Location
Public/Private: Private
Warning: Conspiracy to commit traitorous activities.
Summary: The Turquoise faction meets to go over some strategies to really shake things up.
Status: incomplete

Let's make it epic )