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Aug. 24th, 2010


RP - You make a wild beast of me

Date: August 23rd and into the 24th 2000
Characters: John and Lucy
Location: Muggle London, Train station and then the countryside
Public/Private: Private
Warning: Werewolf hijinks
Summary: John meets with Lucy to go on their first romp during the full moon.
Status: Incomplete

and he wants to come out to play )

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: I couldn't stop myself; I knew it was wrong/But some things just pull you into the great unknown

Date: Saturday, August 21
Characters: Lucy and John!
Location: Respective
Warnings: Maybe language and peer pressure?
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Lucy uses a telephone to call John and try to talk him into running with her on the full moon. She has never used a telephone before.
Status: Incomplete

I took her out to where the wild ones run )

Aug. 17th, 2010


RP: The Pack Mentality

Date: August 17, 2000
Characters: Fenrir and Lucy
Location: Some place outside of London, where Fenrir's pack has made a temporary "home".
Public/Private: Private (public to other pack members but they're the only two so far!)
Summary: Fenrir comes to check on the pack and Lucy has a lot to tell him.
Status: Complete

that's my girl )


RP: Your life is like a crack in the mirror 7 years of bad luck it ain't getting better now....

Date: August 17, 2000
Characters: Malachi and Lucy
Location: Malachi's gallery, muggle London
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Malachi sees Lucy peering in the window of the gallery but not coming in, he goes out and invites her inside.
Status: Incomplete

Reflection in the window is the same old face, background small town everywhere you look around. Tell me what you're runnin from... )

Aug. 16th, 2010


RP: Pleased to Meet You

Date: August 17, 2000
Characters: Lucy and Remus
Location: Brighid Books
Public/Private: Private
Summary: It takes one to know one.
Status: Incomplete