
October 15th, 2009

Tutorial #5 @ 09:38 pm


[info]maxymama was asking over here how to make a particular image into a nice, clear icon.

My result:


Just 4 little layers )

July 19th, 2009

Tutorial #4 @ 10:14 pm


Several weeks ago [info]maxymama asked how I made the header that's on my journal. I found the image that I used with the steps for how I made the 'sketch effect'. Not sure what else to call it! Anyway, hope this is interesting to someone out there.

The sketch effect )

Tutorial #3 from me :-) @ 12:08 am


I made this graphic today and thought it turned out pretty cool so I figured I'd share how I made it. This was surprisingly easy to do.


Textures are our friends )

June 18th, 2009

Blue light tutorial @ 10:24 pm

Current Mood: tired

This is in response to [info]michira_70's post over here requesting help in lightening/cleaning up dark blue caps. This is one example of some methods I use. These exact settings won't necessarily work for every dark blue cap but will hopefully provide a starting point. Always remember to play around with the opacity of your layers and try different colors as well.

Here we go! )

June 4th, 2009

A basic tutorial @ 09:01 am


This is in response to [info]suze_y's post over here. I couldn't respond as a comment to that post because this was way beyond the character limit of a comment!

My version of Paddies icon )
