The Grand Paradise Hotel

January 2019


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Dec. 13th, 2018



WHO: Benjamin Clermont and Isabella Clermont.
WHEN: After THIS on April 8th, 2019.
WHERE: The jungle headed back toward Shipwreck Cove.
SUMMARY: Izzy goes looking for Benji and they talk about what just happened in the hotel.

Benji didn't have a good answer to her question. He didn't know why he was out there, in the jungle. He got turned around somehow. Was it possible he was still drunk? )

Dec. 12th, 2018



WHO: Russ Burns and Wesley Atwood.
WHEN: Late night on April 8th, 2019.
WHERE: Hotel lobby and the front desk.
SUMMARY: Wes talks to a plant before catching up with Russ at the front desk.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of loss, drinking, and Wes being dramatic.

I’d like to apply for a job. Part-time. Temporary. Replace all the lightbulbs. Clean floors. Whatever you need. )



WHO: Temperance Llancaster and Wesley Atwood.
WHEN: Monday, April 8, 2019 around 6:00 PM? I think??
WHERE: On the island and then Castaway Bar.
SUMMARY: Temperance and Wes meet up at the bar to talk about things and end up talking about feelings, which neither of them are prepared for.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of loss, language, drinking, and Wes being dramatic.

'I’m fine,' he said, though the words weren’t for her. 'I’m just fine.' )



WHO: Leilani Blake and Wesley Atwood.
WHEN: Monday, April 8, 2019 around 9:00 AM
WHERE: Grand Dining Room
SUMMARY: Leila and Wes meet up for breakfast where she tries to talk to him about the possibility of seeing Sydney and they end up having a moment regarding Jude and Jeremiah.
WARNINGS: Depression and introspective talk of loss.

Leila wanted to believe that Jude hadn't stayed mad at her. She wanted to believe that he'd forgiven her. That as much fun as he might have been having, that there was a part of him that was eager to fly back home so he could tell her all about it. )

Dec. 10th, 2018



Flash Reactionary - April 8

At around 10:35am, Victoria Clermont was given the information to Maven Mahoney's office. Though his assistance the night before had been prompt and he had tried his best to sound reassuring at breakfast, Victoria was still concerned about the harassment of her daughter and the plans to stop such activities going forward.

When she'd heard about what had happened to Veronica, her first thought had been to take her family and leave with the earliest ferry. The possibility of closure was only so effective if something opened and reopened new and old wounds and the safety of her children was worth more than anything else in the world.

Instead, after seeing how her family and friends were doing, she thought she'd give the security team a chance to prove themselves.

Knocking on Mr. Mahoney's door, Victoria hoped that he wouldn't disappoint.



Flash Reactionary; April 08

At approximately 12:00pm, Alisha Desai walked into the Grand Paradise Hotel on the heels of a group of tourists. Izzy and Tessa had never come back to the spot on the beach where they’d all gathered and somewhere along the way, Alisha had temporarily lost Hope. Frustrated with their situation, Alisha had decided that instead of trying to find Cassidy Blackwood, she’d try to find her supervisor and air her complaints not only to them, but to every subsequent level of management until she had a personal meeting with the owner and proprietor of the hotel, because their current situation was unforgiveable.

Unable to receive any help from the front desk, the lack of acknowledgement adding to Alisha’s ire, she was just about to go off on an independent search for the Activity Coordinator’s office when she thought she heard someone say ‘Blackwood’. Changing direction, Alisha followed the voice and stepped onto the elevator with Volunteer 1 (a living guest), with Volunteer 2 (BW30) slipping in before the doors closed.

This is where Alisha spent most of her afternoon.

While on the elevator with Volunteer 1 & 2, the elevator malfunctioned. Instead of going to the chosen floor, it took them all the way to the top floor and then back down to the lobby. The doors remained closed until maintenance was called. V1 made their escape, but Alisha and V2 were stuck until the elevator was given the all clear.

V2 left, but Alisha remained in the elevator when she saw Aaron and Aidan Zakaria enter. The elevator ride was uneventful, but Alisha overheard Aaron & Aidan mention something about the Blackwood 30 tribute. She followed them when they left, but she went back to the elevator out of frustration when they ignored her.

When the doors didn’t open for her, she waited until another guest pressed the button. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the flickering lights or that another maintenance order was placed. It wasn’t until Justice Llancaster stepped onto the elevator around 4:00pm that Alisha awoke from her reverie. She was neither impressed nor surprised when the elevator stopped midway through the trip; she and Justice were stuck for 10 minutes before the elevator continued its journey and delivered them to the correct floor, where they both stepped off.



Flash Reactionary, Day 2

Victoria Clermont opted out of the two scheduled tours for the day. After breakfast, she spent her morning pursuing some inquiries regarding the incident with her daughter the night before. When they were answered to her (momentary) satisfaction, she spent some time at the tennis courts and after arranging to have a fruit salad delivered to her room for lunch, she spent the next couple of hours catching up on whatever work she could, considering the island’s unreliable connectivity issues.

When the fire alarm went off at 3:00pm, Vic dutifully evacuated her hotel room. While waiting for the staff to assess the validity of the threat, she struck up a conversation with Volunteer 1, a fellow evacuee. When the guests were allowed to return to their rooms, Vic invited Volunteer 1 to the spa later that afternoon to relax after the temporary disruption.

At 430pm, they met at the spa. After their facials, they overheard Brooklyn Kingman-Clermont (who was on the Islander Tour) talking to Volunteer 3 (who was not on the Islander Tour) about the strange incident with the old woman that occurred. Curious, Vic and her friend invited themselves over to learn more about what happened.

Dec. 9th, 2018



WHO: Brooke and Stacey
WHERE: The Ferry Docks
WHEN: Morning, Day 2
WHAT: Thread
SUMMARY: Brooke goes to meet her friend when Stacey arrives!
WARNINGS: To be updated as we thread this. :D

Read more... )

Dec. 7th, 2018



WHO: Jack and Wes
WHAT: Wes tells Jack he isn’t going on the trip
WHEN: April 2016
WHERE: the frat house
WARNINGS: language, obvs.

I’m sure you have work to do somewhere that doesn’t require jello shots and beer pong )

Dec. 6th, 2018



WHO: Sydney Cubb
WHEN: Late May, 2016
WHERE: Pluckley, England
SUMMARY: The funeral of Nicholas Cubb

A funeral keeps both of us apart. )

Dec. 3rd, 2018



WHO: Jack and Sydney
WHAT: Trying to make contact
WHEN: just before dinner, day 2
WHERE: East wing
WARNINGS: mild language, but mostly it’s just sad and a little ~spooky~

There was the tricky truth about emptiness. It was a void. The human mind wanted to fill voids, and desperate minds were quick to try filling them with hope )

Dec. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Ash and Brooke
WHEN: Day two, after the tour
WHERE: Brooke's room
WHAT: Ash tells her about finding Max's knife

Her eyes widened as she braced, but when she saw what Ash was holding in his hand, her expression shifted into something more soft and sad. )

Dec. 1st, 2018



WHO: Justice and Ash, with bonus appearance by Captain
WHEN: Day two, late night
WHERE: random hallway
WHAT: Justice and Ash don’t agree on how to handle things
WARNINGS: Language. Blunt discussions of death. Both of them are kind of dickish.

Someone should have said something and they didn’t. I don’t know why. I don’t understand it. But someone needs to pay )



WHO: Max, Teddy, and Jack
WHAT: Trying to get to the bottom of this
WHEN: Afternoon, day 2
WHERE: Hotel Lobby
WARNINGS: language, feels

Maybe it’s the matrix. We’re glitching. )

Nov. 30th, 2018




WHO Jude and Leila
WHERE Avon, Connecticut. The Blake Residence.
WHEN Leila is 12. Jude is 15.
SUMMARY The first discussion between Jude and Leila about why Jude does the dumb things he does and how Leila feels about being adopted.
WARNINGS Discussion of adoption/parent/birth circumstance issues.

I don't like it when you and Jer get in trouble. )

Nov. 29th, 2018



WHO: Teddy Lawson and Max Kingman
WHEN: August 8th, 2019. Mid-morning? I think?
WHERE: Hotel lobby.
SUMMARY: Teddy and Max meet up before trying to make contact with a hotel attendant. As expected, it does not go well.
WARNINGS: None, unless you count Max's desperate denial.

Max, I will give you five dollars if you hop the counter. )

Nov. 28th, 2018



WHO: Sydney, plus a grand assortment of hotel staff members
WHEN: April 8th, beginning with her ferry arrival. All before the tour.
WHERE: Various locations
SUMMARY: Sydney has question. A lot of them.
Finding out a bear lives in a cave is not worth getting eaten by a bear over. )

Nov. 27th, 2018



WHO: Temperance Llancaster and Justice Llancaster.
WHEN: August 7th, 2019. Night.
WHERE: Their shared room. Aha.
SUMMARY: These two siblings realize they're sharing a room together.
WARNINGS: Substance abuse. Feelings. Language? Temperance's anger.

You’re twenty years too late with that, Jay. )

Nov. 26th, 2018



WHO: Sydney Cubb and Wes Atwood
WHEN: Following this. Late March. Night time.
WHERE: Syd's room in the Rho Iota Pi house.
SUMMARY: Wes tells Sydney about his Abuelita and that he can't go on the trip.
WARNINGS: PDA. Talk of hospice care/death of a grandparent.

Jeremiah Blake is a teddy bear. He won’t lead to my downfall. I’d just have the other Rhos bring him cookie baskets to keep him plump and content. )

Nov. 18th, 2018



WHO: Temperance Llancaster and Wes Atwood
WHEN: Day one; afternoon.
WHERE: Castaway Bar.
SUMMARY: Temperance is avoiding people with feels. Wes is avoiding people in general. It's fate that they'd meet.
WARNINGS: Light language. Mention of The Boatman. Temperance is reasonably nice to someone. Feels.

So now I get to ask the deep, probing questions. [...] What did you think about the boatman? )