Aug. 19th, 2009


Who: Narcissa Malfoy and Todd Yaxley.
What: Surprise visit for some cheesecake.
Where: Malfoy Manor, I assume.
When: At about midnight.
Rating: SFW?

Boredom; Todd dealt with it rather badly, and always had. To someone who always had traveled and left behind city after city, being forced to stay into hiding was scarily close to pure torment. And that made him reckless, to a degree.

He wasn't entirely certain if Narcissa knew that he was out. The chance that she would hex him within an inch of his life upon discovering that he was in her kitchen, peeking into the cupboards for leftovers and his favorite dessert, was a very real one. But he liked to believe that he was permitted to do so, as long as he'd covered his tracks.

"Where does she stash the oh so delicious snacks of sin?" He wondered as he carefully closed yet another door of a kitchen cabinet, and moved to another. "She's a woman, she's got to have comfort food somewhere."

Aug. 2nd, 2009


Who: Dean and open! (Narcissa or Todd?)
What: Dean is doing portraits. Or caricatures.
When: Sunday evening
Where: Diagon Alley
Rating: PG-ish, depending on how angry the subject of the caricature gets about it...

Dean had been having a good day--a lucrative one. He'd set himself up, with his easel and his wall of samples, a ways down the road, near Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He figured that the sort of person who went down that way was also the sort of person who would enjoy a caricature, and so far his guess had paid off. Of course, it also helped that one of the escaped Death Eaters had recently been captured, and the mood of the shoppers had lightened.

It was for that reason that he was still out there, even as the sun lowered toward the horizon. He knew he should head home--who knew what the numbers of still-at-large Death Eaters were like--but there were still shoppers on the street, and still a chance to profit from one of the things he loved. He offered passers-by hopeful, friendly smiles, his pencil poised.