August 5th, 2009

[info]allseeingeye in [info]goldenapples

A second job! [Bianca & Aveline]

Who: Bianca and Aveline
What: Bianca gets her new job working at Aveline's shop
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Au Clair de Lune, Aveline's chocolaterie.
Rating: PG, I expect.

She liked the idea of working in the shop, even if she wasn't going to be working with the sweets. )

[info]delicate_ice in [info]goldenapples

Owl to Michael Corner )

[info]doubleohdavies in [info]goldenapples

So what's going on? (Open to Michael)

Who: Roger and Michael
What: Have a drinking session. Roger finds out Michael's life's taken a surprising turn.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The Piper's Kilt, a pub in Blackpool, not far from Roger's. [Michael can crash there is he's too wasted to Apparate or Floo]
Rating: PG-13 for drinking and likely swearing.

So you're going to be a what? )

[info]goldenapplesmod in [info]goldenapples

By Evette O'Rourke

London August 5 - Two more Death Eaters are behind bars this hour, according to Ministry spokesperson Alan Lordsden. Aquila Irvine, wife of previously captured Corvus Irvine, and another unnamed Death Eater were captured just outside of Brixton, South London. '

The unnamed Death Eater is rumoured to be the brother of famous Death Eater James Selwyn, Corrigan Selwyn.

Further details of the capture have not been released and we will update you with any comments or information coming from the Ministry.