Jul. 27th, 2009


Grocery shopping. Open to Jasper

Who: Bianca and Jasper
What: Bianca goes shopping and bumps into Jasper
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Muggle London, Charing Cross
Rating: PG, I expect.

Bianca didn't need visions to tell her she was running out of food and needed to go shopping. )

Jul. 17th, 2009


All Work and No Play... [Open to Camile]

Who: Camile and Jasper.
What: The boys need a break from recording so Camile drags Jasper out.
When: Friday night.
Where: TBD
Rating: Probably PG/PG-13 at worst.

Jasper still wasn't quite sure how he'd let Camile talk him into going out, but there he was, waiting outside Camile's flat for his bandmate to answer the doorbell. He wasn't really sure where they were going so he'd changed into something simple and casual after leaving the studio for the day.

Hands shoved into his jeans pockets, Jasper hoped he didn't make a fool of himself wherever they ended up that night.

Jun. 17th, 2009


Summer Gala Event [Open to all]

Who: Everybody
What: Summer Gala
When: June 19, 2000; 9pm
Where: The Grand Wizard Hotel Ballroom, Diagon Alley
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete.

The candles were lit. The music was playing, the ministry had opted for a DJ as the r.s.v.p. list seemed to be on the young side. It was all for fun. Tables were set with hors d'oeuvres, charmed to maintain the perfect temperature. Bars were at either end of the room, ready with a full selection of spirits, beer and wine. The event organizer looked around with a satisfied smile. Now all they needed were guests.

Notes: If your characters leave the ballroom, start a new post and remember, not everyone can be fashionably late!