The Story So Far - May 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 13th, 2008

Log: David, Jack, Hank, & Pete [May. 13th, 2008|02:52 am]
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Who: David Samson & Jack Murdock, with cameos from Hank and Pete McCoy
When: Heh. This is where continuity gets weird. This is after Jack/Phil, but before Rosie/David, so... we're saying this happened late Saturday night, which doesn't COMPLETELY make total sense but Marvel does continuity shit, too. So there. :D It makes sense! Rly.
Where: David's temporary room in the basement!
What: Jack comes by----in full Ren-Faire garb----to cheer David up with some beer. They catch up on old times, David explains what he's doing here, then Hank and Pete come in to drop off a smelly couch. Hank alludes that there's more to this situation than meets the eye. OooOoooOooo! That is, regarding David's situation. Not the COUCH situation. The couch situation is straightforward. We think.

Well, a wise man once said 'The more my life changes, the more it remains insane', so by this point I really shouldn't be surprised anymore. )
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Log: May and Jack [May. 13th, 2008|01:28 pm]
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Who; May Gwendolyne Parker and Jack Donovan Murdock
When; May 12th, morning
Where; Faculty building kitchen
What; Jack rags on May for sleeping with Normie, and May tells him Exactly What Her Problem With Him Is. This is a really painful log. I wouldn't read it if you're listening to sad music (like I am), emotional (like I am), or prone to tears (like I was).

You make me feel like such a bastard. )
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log: Joan & Richard [May. 13th, 2008|03:07 pm]


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Who: Joan Allerdyce and Richard Fisk
What: Richard is at the hospital for his dad. Joan meets up with him and tries to console the guy.
When: Monday the 12th, shortly after this.
Rating: pg-13. language.

the look Richard gives the doctor makes it clear that he got lucky )
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log: Rosie & Phil. [May. 13th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Rosie and Phil.
What: Rosie's watching TV and Phil comes in to try and be mean to her. HE FAILS, and gets her talking about her family. Then he removes a splinter from her hand. AND THEN? Then he gives her a piggy back to her room. Where he ends up staying. Phil can't be mean to Rosie. At least they're friends again.
When: Backdated to Sunday night!
Rating: pg-13, Rosie has a dirty mouth.

giddy up! )
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[Savage Land – Day One – Jet + Camping Out] [May. 13th, 2008|09:49 pm]
ooc: This post will cover activities happening day one of the SL trip. Post at will people, post at will. Assume that Emma and Sean briefed everyone (I'll try and get a 'what they covered in the briefing' post a little later. Yay for out of orderness. You can have random encounters with beasties of the dino type if you like, just no T-Rex's. Not yet.)
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LOG: the McCoy Boys [May. 13th, 2008|11:08 pm]


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WHO: Pete and Phil McCoy
WHAT: watching zombie movie, thinking about the nature of good and evil, life and unlife. you know, a Sunday.
WHERE:in teh labs, watchin' ur zombies
WHEN:Sunday evening

And sometimes, he tells the truth when he's bored. )
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