The Story So Far - May 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 12th, 2008

log: Normie and Dave. [May. 12th, 2008|02:10 am]
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Who: Normie Osborn & David Samson
What: Normie talks to his lawyer. About getting his ex-girlfriend kicked out of his condo. And maybe about a certain someone who might be threatening him. Vague!
When: Sometime during this weekend. Vague!

David knows an evil smile when he sees one. )
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log: may and normie [May. 12th, 2008|02:11 pm]
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Who; May Parker and Normie Osborn
When; May 11th, Sunday night
Where; Normie's room
What; May goes to cuddle up with her sort-of boyfriend, and to make herself feel better about making out with Rosie. And then something Very Bad goes down. Points if you can spot it when it happens. This is Not Safe For Work due to sexytiems, chitlins. In that NC-17 kinda way. This is not the place to go looking for fluffy lovin'.

I don't think I can walk. )
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Sneaks (open to Bart and Andi) [May. 12th, 2008|06:32 pm]

Who: Andi, Bart, and Magnar
Where: X-Jet hangar!
When: Tuesday
What: A precursor to the upcoming Savage Land saga!

Too easy )
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