The Story So Far - May 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 10th, 2008

[May. 10th, 2008|12:24 am]

WHO: Emma and Sean
WHAT: Discuss the e-mail they received from Val, and make plans.
WHEN: Friday Evening

Wonderful. Dinosaurs, Brain Child. )
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Log: Peter & Jack [May. 10th, 2008|10:38 am]
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Who: Peter Parker & Jack Murdock
When: Around noon, Saturday
Where: Peter's room
What: Jack comes to Peter to announce that he's thinking about taking up his father's weapon and becoming Daredevil II, but Peter doesn't think that's a good idea. There's too much Jack doesn't know about his daddy.

I can't let you take up your father's name. )
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log: Peter and Phil. [May. 10th, 2008|04:07 pm]
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Who: Phil McCoy and Peter Parker.
What: Phil needs to talk to an adult about the weirdness that is Jack's mom. This log is short because after they talked about personal stuff, they probably started talking about the sexy sexy atom.
When: Later in the day, after this.

We're a wealth of awkward things. )
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Log: Cooper & John [May. 10th, 2008|11:51 pm]
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Who: Cooper & John
Where: Outside
When: Saturday. May 10
What: Hi. It's drunk Cooper kind of outing himself with a lost-in-time John. They share a haircut. It's cool.

How you feeling there, guy? )
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