The Story So Far - May 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 9th, 2008

Log: Heath & Phil [May. 9th, 2008|12:17 pm]
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Who: Heath & Phil
NPC: Dr. Hank McCoy
Where: The medlab
When: Thursday, May 8
What: After his run-in with Eiko, Heath thinks his powers are evolving and Hank is almost too eager to get a look at him. Heath plays the avoidance game with Phil and is just ready to get back to his clothes.

Read more... )
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Log: Jack, Phil, & Milla [May. 9th, 2008|12:26 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock, Phil McCoy, and Milla Donovan (NPC'd by Krim)
When: Friday, May 9
Where: Milla's psychiatric facility
What: It's Milla's birthday and Phil's gotten her a present, so Jack... brings him to meet her. It turns out Phil's powers are incredibly useful.

Don't you fucking snap at me, you ungrateful brat. )
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[May. 9th, 2008|02:12 pm]
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WHO: All 21 and overs (and whoever tries to sneak in)
WHERE: The Gym!
WHEN: Saturday night, 9ish
WHAT: A Toga Party, of course!
note: No posting order at ALL, it's a freeforall!

Dane's willing to give into the silly )
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