The Story So Far - May 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 11th, 2008

Ren and Magnar [May. 11th, 2008|04:04 am]
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Who: Ren and Magnar
When: Back dated a while, before Ren, Heath, & Davy went for icecream. (Sorry, I totally spaced on this one!)
Where: the great outdoors! (school grounds)
What: informal power practice!

What's the fastest you can go?  )
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Run, Ren, run. [May. 11th, 2008|04:06 am]
Who: Ren & Open to anyone.
When: Late Saturday night, around 4:30am
What: Ren has a bad dream and goes running.

It was probably healthier than his plan to drink himself into a coma with his roommate later on in the day. )
[Open to anyone who wants to find him!]
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[May. 11th, 2008|10:36 am]
Who: Dane and Magnar
When: Sunday, afternoon
Where: Outside with the targets
What: Magnar needs girl advice, who better to dispense the advice than the first born of Remy LeBeau? Well, think again.

Uh... what? Umm... a girl? )
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log: Phil & Jack. [May. 11th, 2008|12:15 pm]
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Who: Jack, Phil, (and the SPIIIIIRIT OF DAREDEVIL. No... not really)
What: Jack stands Phil up. He eventually shows, and Phil doesn't understand why Jack is so upset. He tries to calm Jack down by using his powers. Problem? Jack knows it and is not happy. Not happy.
Where/When: In Jack's room.. DURING THE TIME OF THE TOGA PARTY. I believe. I was confused for a bit. But logwise: Peter and Jack talk, then Phil and Peter talk, then his log happens.

Goodness gracious, you're a nutjob. )
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[May. 11th, 2008|11:27 pm]
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who David Samson & Rosie Kincaid
what This is a first meeting that goes REALLY WRONG and now we know why Phil says 'Sweet lady morphine' to him. Also the extent of his anxiety disorder.
when Early this morning, May 11th
where Faculty building, David's room

I'm sorry, the human you're looking for is not available, please try again later. )
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