The Story So Far - April 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 21st, 2008

Log: Jack & Phil [Apr. 21st, 2008|01:52 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Philip McCoy
When: Sunday night... and Monday morning
Where: Jack's room
What: If that description doesn't give you a good idea..! Phil stops by Jack's room because he's decided sexual experimentation is his current hobby.
Rating: PG13. It's tame, folks. :) In terms of explicitness.

What are you doing right now? )
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Working off some steam [Apr. 21st, 2008|08:34 am]
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Who: Cooper Baldwin Jack Murdock
When: Monday morning - early
Where: The gym
What: Cooper is pissed for no good reason and knows what will happen if he doesn't expend the bad feelings that are completely unfounded...but still.

first, he needed to punch something. )
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|12:53 pm]
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WHO: Magnar! Wes! Ryan! Mutt! even maybe Houdini!
WHERE: McTaggert Study Hall
WHEN: After the twins start hunting for Agatha's Book
WHAT: The twins find Magnar about Mutt and the book.

Magnar. McT. Study. Now. )
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|10:50 pm]
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who Phil McCoy & Rosie Kincaid
what Poor Phil gets a scare by Rosie and ends up dealing with the truth! Womanly issues, manly issues, and then he (and Jack) get accused and then oh god it goes downhill from there.
when Tonight, April 21st
where The Kitchen
PG-13 For Adult Language

Did I mention I'm confused? )
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Log: Spider-Woman and Quixote [Apr. 21st, 2008|11:14 pm]
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Who; May and Jack
When; Way too late Monday night
Where; Jack's room
What; May's having second thoughts about Heath, so she goes and curls up in Jack's bed -- where Jack fangirls over Phil.

You are such a dork. )
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