The Story So Far - April 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 4th, 2008

thread: phil, pete, parker. [Apr. 4th, 2008|12:07 am]
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Who: Parker, Pete, and Phil. Alphabetically. Ooh, that's a lot of P's.
What: Sleepover party with the McCoy/Drakes! Or rather, hangin' out, playing cards.
When: Backdated to April 1st, later in the evening. After this, even!

extreme uno! )
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OPEN to ALL! [Apr. 4th, 2008|11:16 am]
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WHO: Magnar Maximoff and OPEN to ALL who are not at the Park.
WHERE: Lunchroom
WHEN: Lunchtime, Friday
WHAT: Watching the news of the battle

Anyone die yet? )
[OPEN to ALL!]
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[Apr. 4th, 2008|12:52 pm]
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WHO Rosie May Kincaid  & Chester Centino
Evening of April 2
It's a interesting scene in the laundry room. Chester needs the white powder, and Rosie has just become his supplier.

I swear, they shouldn't let natural blondes anywhere near things that take brains )
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