The Story So Far - April 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 3rd, 2008

[Apr. 3rd, 2008|08:39 pm]

Who: Heather and ---
What: Shoots some hoops, plays some basketball. This takes place on the basketball court out back of the school. Yes, they have a basketball court.
When: Thursday afternoon

Woooossh? )
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The Park - X-FACTOR: Hostage Situation [Apr. 3rd, 2008|09:42 pm]


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from here

Some crazy woman had strapped herself down with explosives and was crowing proudly above one of the cages, where they had tossed in their hostages. Some of them were still able to broadcast and were giving quiet interviews amongst themselves as to what the commotion had been about... something no one could really discern.

"ALLRIGHT YOU MEATBAGS!," screamed the woman shrilly, "You all just sit tight and wait there like the miserable little insurance policies you are! Anyone tries anything funny? I blow us sky high!"

She had a point... whoever she was. So loaded down with flammables and dangerous explosives, not to mention the three flunkies with heavy machine guns who guarded her and their new friends, this would require a little more than firepower. It needed stealth, subtlety .... it needed X-Factor.

((ooc: delete and ignore of I'm going overboard here, guys. I'm figuring those while less blow-upy powers should get to do something, right? ))
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Central Park Mission [Apr. 3rd, 2008|10:06 pm]
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Sean had dispatched them with the usual words; take care, watch each others back, and come back in one piece. Sean for his part felt that he didn't need to tell them to kick some posterior and take some names, that just went without saying.

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