The Story So Far - April 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 1st, 2008

narrative, OPEN! [Apr. 1st, 2008|07:37 am]
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Tuesday afternoon, there was a box to be found outside of the front doors to the classroom building. The box was just larger than a shoebox, brown cardboard, with yellow CAUTION tape wrapped around it. If anyone were curious enough to look inside, they would find an odd, futuristic-looking gun wrapped in a long sheet of paper that was the actual schematic for the weapon. The box lettering across the top of the schematic read 'DEATH RAY'.

[OPEN for someone to FIND and REACT to!]

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Cookies! (Narrative / Open for Reaction) [Apr. 1st, 2008|11:46 am]
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It was still early morning when Sean crept across the lawn from his own dorm to the other, opening the door and heading for the kitchen. He held a warm tray in his hands, and once he got to the kitchen, he set it down on a potholder on the countertop. Seam took off the foil wrapping to reveal a tasty looking tray of chocolate chip cookies! He knew he couldn't resist cookies, so it was the perfect thing to trick Tom with! They'd been made 'special', which meant he hoped Tom ate a lot of them and would be stuck in the bathroom for a long time! Once his trap was set, Sean hurried off to his own dormitory.

Feeling a little hungry after preparing that prank, Sean headed for the kitchen. He had to do a double-take when he saw a plate of fresh looking chocolate chip cookies on the countertop! "No way", he muttered to himself. He had to admit, the exlax cookies gag was kind of an old one, but would someone else really have done that too? What were the chances? He hesitantly took one, nibbling at the edge of it. "Mmm! blimey, these're good!" Not giving it any more thought, Sean scooped up three more of the cookies, heading back to his room.

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[Apr. 1st, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Who: Andi Storm and Benjy Parker
When: Afternoon, after the notes were sent
Where: Kitchen - McTaggert Hall
What: Ice cream meet and greet!

Now, she was ready to meet the son of Mary Jane Watson-Parker. )
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|04:59 pm]
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First, a note )

Who: Emma Frost, Wesley Barton, Ryan Barton, James Langkowski, Sean Madrox, Tom Roarke
When: After Emma reads minds and discovers the clones and Jimmy
What: Emma rips them a new one.
**Note: Emma has more mind-reading morals than she did when she was younger, but her heart was saddened for poor Chester - yes! She has a soft spot. So, she will not do this often - the mind-reading without permission - unless there is a very good explanation.

Busted. )
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