The Story So Far - March 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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March 31st, 2008

[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:08 am]


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Who: Quin Espinosa and John Summers Dayspring Askani'son
When: 31st March, 2033: 8AM
Where: Backyard
What: He finally finds his pinball machine.

Was he actually crying? )

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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:35 pm]


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Who: Wesley (screen name: magikbow) and Ryan (screen name: arrowcraft)
What: Chat over the schools internal message system.
When: This afternoon before they had off to Boston

More than you probably wanted to know about the Barton twins )
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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:37 pm]
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WHO: Anyone who is faculty or staff (NPCs included)
WHEN: forward dated to Tuesday afternoon
WHAT: Staff Meeting

Too many people in one small room, all of them powered – it made Sean down right twitchy it did. He wished these meetings could have been held in his office, at least than he could have sat behind his desk and lorded over the whole thing. and felt in control.

As it was, the staff meetings always took place in the staff lounge in the main building. At the moment people just clustered around talking. Sean glanced at the clock, it was five minutes to three, classes ended at 2:30. Five more minutes, then enough was enough, it would be time for the ramblers to get rambling.
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