Jan. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey, y'all, sorry for being MIA lately. I seem to have come down with the crud :( I'll be back when I have less to the sick brain.

xo Lena

Posted via Journaler.



[No Subject]

Hi all! I'm Kira, and this here is Terence Higgs, the third wheel of The Old Guys group. He considers himself to be the 'adult' of their little group, what with him being married with kids and everything, but he's definitely been the dad friend since they were tiny children. His family have what is known publicly as an 'import/export' business that is considered highly legitimate but operates as a front for international smuggling and has for the last 200+ years. With the institution of Shacklebolt's heavy restrictions just after the second Wizarding War, Terence made the calculated choice to join the Aurors in order to maintain a positive, squeaky free public image since he knew that pureblood Slytherin that weren't clearly affiliated were just as likely to bare the brunt of the negative backlash as those who were.

He's not a bad Auror by any means, but Terence falls pretty strongly into the chaotic neutral territory of someone who is more than willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get himself ahead. He has his limits and morals, though, and there are several things that Terence won't abide. Senseless and unnecessary death, harm to children, women, and animals, and any sort of demonstration of the hypocrisy of 'justice', which being an Auror he tends to have to confront pretty often.

Terence is very quiet about his opinions on most things and only people who know him really well tend to be aware that he doesn't think there's been a decent MoM since Millicent Bagnold retired or that he has several rather intense issue with the way things are being run. He bites his tongue most of the time, but he has a pretty acerbic sense of humor that doesn't always allow him to keep everything inside.

There's probably been more than a few snarky comments about Potter overheard in the offices.

Go ahead and throw whatever plot you have or want at me.



[No Subject]

Hello, lovelies.

I'm Ashe and I've just joined the game with Penelope Clearwater-Carmichael. Penny is an Auror and she's very much in support of the recent regulations. She's your standard lawful good type, going with D&D alignments. She's pretty serious and straight-laced for the most part, though she does know how to ease up on that with family and friends. She is married to Eddie Carmichael, who is currently not played just saying, and she has a seven year old daughter named Judith.

I'm always open to any connections, be they in the law enforcement community or just anything that makes sense. She's handling cases of a few player characters, so I'd love to chat about that, and she also is connected to Christopher through her husband, so anyone involved in that mess could be interesting to interact with.

I'm available most of the time on AIM at vcxahlia if anyone wants to chat, or you can email me or hit up my dropbox. I'm really excited to be here.

Jan. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

If anyone is interested in a random open thread I wrote one for Katie here in a gdoc! Feel free to attack it should anyone want to!

Or, if anyone would like anything from Katie for anything upcoming, I'm game!

Jan. 6th, 2017



January Plotpalooza

Hey! You guys have been so awesome with joining us in this adventure! This is a wee bit late, but our first plot post is here! Dun-dun-duuuhh!! Give it a skim and let us know if you have any questions!

Jan 2010 - Plotpalooza! )

Jan. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello, all!

I've been putting this off because I'm a horrible procrastinator, but here it is!

This is Adrian, an all around douche-bag who is here to cause problems and be a nuisance. He's a defense attorney with "traditional" purist leanings and will often represent those who are probably, definitely guilty. He is a generally awful person who places himself first and foremost, closely followed by those he considers to be his people (who are basically the other Hoodlums, Leanne, and sometimes his mother(but only twice a month)).

Adrian is ranked as red so far due to his DE father, and he is definitely against Minister Smith and the whole DWPA thing. He also had some small involvement in the war through his father, but was not a marked Death Eater nor a major player, so he was overlooked in the cleanup, though this leads him to lie in the evaluations, so his ranking is not likely to change.

For connections, he has the obvious, which are the Hoodlums, Leanne, and Alicia Spinnet, but I'm open to pretty much everything! Clients, friends/acquaintances, enemies, housemates, old rivals, exes, bullying victims, flings, all the fun stuff!

Jan. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi guys! This is Matty! I'm new! And I'm gonna rant at you! I am relatively uninteresting. 27, New York, crazy craft lady, crazy cat lady, higher ed admin. Very neat stuff. I am at rhymeschream at gmail and on AIM and [info]theblues!

This is longer than I thought... )

Jan. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm going to be a bit short on this intro but here is Katie Bell. She's a muggleborn, Auror, good at her job but has some issues too. She's dedicated to the right thing but what the right thing is, well it can be a moving target. She's loyal to her friends, a lot tougher on the outside than the inside and someone who will kill if the situation calls for it. Katie's someone who isn't as secure in herself as she comes off. She will not appear to lack self-confidence in 99% of situations and she has been rumoured to be with more blokes than she ever has been. It is a big room that she's actually the mother of Oliver Wood's daughter. This is not true! But it is a rumour that pops up. You can see her profile here and if you want to follow my insane need to organize things I'm working on a timeline which I'm happy to add things to!

Oh! I'm Maxi! best way to find me is email watchtowersing @ gmail! I'm a fan of writing out back stories in snapshots or whatever! And clearly going forward Katie's around for whatever!



[No Subject]

Hi, y'all! I know some of you, but for those I don't, I'm Lena and I'm picking up Leanne Pucey for this lovely adventure.

Leanne is a Gryffindor from the class of 1997. She's BFFs with the other Mean Girls and is the little sister of Adrian Pucey. She was a big part of Minister Smith's campaign until after the election when she was let go. Since, she's been out of the country trying to find some new direction and has just come back just before the holidays.

Logs, texts, anything else? Gimme all of your plots. You can see her full profile here!

I'm very excited to be playing with all of you!

Dec. 31st, 2016



Jaclyn Wood in the Hood!

Hi! My name is Katy and I'm bringing in Jaclyn Wood :)

Some of you know me from other games but if you don't, I hope I get to know you soon. Just so you know, I'm very approachable and up for just about anything. I'm available for posting on and off during the day and on most nights after 8pm when my little guy goes to sleep. I love the rapid-fire tagging both in-game and in a gdoc if you prefer that.

So, here is Jaclyn's Profile - she's small and feisty and Oliver's 'twin' sister. She's a reporter for the Daily Prophet, a Gryffindor from the class of '94 just like Noll <3 She's currently dating Sullivan Fawley (yet to be held or cast) and gets jealous easily and will voice it. She's one of the Sexy Librarians and is probably the most likely to do things her own way despite any kind of plan.

Anyway, you get the gist of it, all the extra good bits are in the profile. I have a Drop Box with screened comments or you can always get me at kittyvankat at gmail dot com <3

Can't wait to start and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!