Forgotten Gods - June 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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June 23rd, 2010

[Jun. 23rd, 2010|03:06 pm]
Because this is too good to pass by.

Olympian icons @ LJ.
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[Jun. 23rd, 2010|08:06 pm]
Hello! This is Seana, introducing my newest character, Classical Music. His information is here but I don't expect anyone to read 9000+ words, so here's a portion of his personality that sums him up rather well: Being the literal personification of a wide and varied field of music, his moods vary as much as his works do. Sometimes as sedate as the slowest, plodding largo and sometimes as upbeat and jittery as the quickest and most cheerful vivace prestissimo, he finds it hard to settle, to find a middle ground, to sink down into a ritardando and find a balance between mezzo-piano and mezzo-forte. And here's the tl;dr, tongue in cheek version of his history: Some ancient dudes composed some stuff. Things changed. Some Baroque dudes composed some stuff. Things changed. Some Classical dudes composed some stuff. Things changed. Some Romantic dudes composed some stuff. Things changed. Some modern dudes composed some stuff. The personification of all the previously mentioned stuff traveled around, teaching stuff, composing stuff, and performing stuff. Then he came to America to teach, compose, and perform some more stuff.

In which I ramble about plotting potential that spans... pretty much every pantheon. )

Why, no, I'm not a classical music geek, why do you ask? XD

Anyway, in terms of generalized plot, he'll be teaching mostly graduate classes at Juilliard in the fall and is also taking composition commissions and giving private musical lessons. Anyone who has characters who might want a musical piece commissioned or would like to learn any instrument, feel free to hit him up! As always, you can hit me up for plot/whatever on AIM at double8think. <3!
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