Forgotten Gods - June 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 24th, 2010

New character alert [Jun. 24th, 2010|09:27 am]
[mood | bouncy]

Hey all, Jill here with character #10 (someone stop me!) Taweret. I may need a crash course in the current Egyptian scheme of things, but I'm ready to throw the demon-wife into play. ^^

If you want to plot with Taweret or any of my others (Blues, Comic Books, Echo, Eleos, Hyakinthos, Hymenaios, Kieran, Lilibeth, and Persephone) do let me know either by aim (la roo terrible) or by email ( or here. Now to go amend my prompts post...
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o lookie [Jun. 24th, 2010|12:27 pm]
What's upppp, Angie here super fucking groggy and possibly irritable, bringing you, supraiz!, another. This is Sedna, the Inuit goddess of death, of the sea, and of sea creatures. Her sad history is here if you want to take a peek, but basically she's a bit of a crazy, wild, and nearly untameable person. Expect her to explode at you if you write anything about marriage, seafood, sealife in general, or birds.

.. and that's it, I think. /zzzzzz
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I'm back! Forreals! [Jun. 24th, 2010|01:37 pm]
So! I finally got my desktop baaaack. [Actually, I got it back a few days ago, I'm just a derp.] This means I am officially off hiatus, and will be working on my catch-up in the next few days.

Also: For those who are in logs with me, if I don't respond for a long amount of time, it is probably because IJ is a cheap hooker and only gives alerts to people who have bad taste in women. It's not my fault I prefer classier ladies, but IJ just can't handle that I'm not willing to spend fifty bucks on its STD-ridden services. Anyway! Tangent aside, feel free to message/bug me and go 'Hey Judo, did you even receive that tag?' or something. Beyond that, if we had TWW plans, half of them have slipped my mind, so if anyone remembers us having plot you should drop me a line so I don't entirely neglect you.

:D --Judo; Chimaera, Kumiho, Eve, Boudicca, Sloth, Asteria
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|03:49 pm]


Good morning/afternoon/evening, FG~

Meet Thaumas, Greek god of sea wonders, better known as the father of Iris, Arke and the Harpies. He goes by Cyril Thanos and works as a freelance photographer. Landscapes, cityscapes, animals, plants, people - if you can name it, he's done it, and chances are good that you've seen his work somewhere before. Personality and history can be found here.

Since he's basically a one liner in the long and colourful history of the Greek pantheon, there's much room for backstory, anecdotes etc. My contact info is still the same.

I haven't been around much and that won't change in the near future, I'm afraid, because of uni things and because Germany's made it to the knock-out stage of the World Cup. The log starters I owe will go up this week, though, and I'll get around to replying to tags whenever I can. Heartfelt apologies for the delays and thank you for your patience.

-- Ling
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|10:58 pm]


I was going to mention this earlier, but then my country's parliament exploded a little bit and since then I've been glued to the TV watching the leadership spill (and the resulting swearing-in of our first ever female prime minister!! Yeah, I just like to say it). So I've been a bit distracted. And I forgot to mention, though a few of you already know, that I'm heading off to Phuket this Sunday!

I'll be away between June 29 and July 8, about ten days. Most likely I'll have net access while I'm there so I will be reachable by email and will be able to check in with the game, however I will not be processing apps in that time. So if you've got an app in the works, remember to get it in by this Sunday, or you could be facing delays!

I also just wanted to apologise to everyone I've been plotting/RPing with-- I know I've been pretty out of it lately, which I hate. Without going into the nitty gritty, I've just had a few things going on lately in RL that have left me very drained and without a whole lot of inspiration or motivation. But I really do want to throw my lot back into the game, and I'm hoping this break will give me a chance to recharge and just clear my head. And when I get back I'd love to plot with people (I know I owe a few emails!) and maybe get to work on some of the threads that have been discussed!

Jess <3
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