Forgotten Gods - June 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 22nd, 2010

hiatus, but not for meee [Jun. 22nd, 2010|01:33 pm]
Hey kiddos! Posting on behalf of Angela here, whose computer suddenly offed itself, so she'll be on a (hopefully) short hiatus until she gets a new one! She can't say with a certainty how long she'll be gone for, but she apologizes for the tags she owes and will get to them whenever she can. c:

This effects: Dantalion, Kushiel, Iapetus, Paris, Badb, Henbane, Selene, Tam Lin, Video Games, Aura, Hebe, and the Phonoi
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|09:26 pm]


Triton's plan was mentioned here, and now it is officially set in motion. Studios of all description are contacted with an invitation to participate, and any artist 'Merric Thorne' has taken a personal interest in will be sure to receive their own invitation as well. Information about the project can also be found at libraries, school programs open for the summer, any store selling related equipment/material, etc. Basically, if you want your character to know of this, there are a myriad of ways, not the least of which is word of mouth.

There will be a number to call for additional information and any questions, and while Triton won't be personally taking these calls, he will be available to look over individual projects, make sure Triteia's story is known, and to meet people if it's required/desired. Of course, anyone who knows that Triton is around may want to ask him questions on the journals, even if they don't know that he's actually the one behind all this. Also, as works are finished, Merric will be displaying a few things here and there, even if the collection as a whole will not be completed at the same time/ever.....he would love for this to be an on-going thing.

I've already said pretty much anything and everything is welcome, but if anyone does want to ask me anything, please do!
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Look! It's a (semi) hiatus'ed thingie! [Jun. 22nd, 2010|10:08 pm]
Greetings, fellow FG-ers --

Now that I've settled back into the ranks of the employed, it seems that my RPing may still be taking a bit of a back seat, due to my new workplace having a pretty strict internet policy :(

So no posting during the week, it looks like - but I will be available on the weekends for all your plotting needs.

And speaking of which - I know Time Warp Week is all but over, but I still want to play and explore some past history. So, I might be poking some of you for some thread ideas over the weekend. And of course, if there's one of mine you'd like to play in the past with, let me know!

&hearts Michelle

(Litigation, Legal Services, Uncle Sam, Britannia, Forseti, Frank James, Gabriel, Charon, Folk Music, Folk Rock, Okeanos, Gareth & Gawain, Harrison, Cass Wilson, Valefar, Asclepius, Atlas, Martin of Tours, John F. Kennedy)
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|10:52 pm]
Um. Jaimie says to post this. I got bored and started playing with numbers.

Statistical rambling. )
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