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[Sep. 22nd, 2010|12:15 am]

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Who: The Red Baron and Natalie Godfrey
What: A random run-in after leaving the supermarket.
Where: supermarket parking lot and then wherever? Coffee, apartment, who knows XD
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: TBA

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[Aug. 14th, 2010|05:06 am]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Conrad's apartment
WHAT: Pretendy married times!

Lording it over people from high school that you hated was the best thing in the world, after all. )
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[Aug. 5th, 2010|09:27 am]

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WHO: Natalie & Peter!Comic Books
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: Peter's place
WHAT: The morning after this
WARNINGS: Mentions of sex but likely nothing graphic

It's strange what desire will make foolish people do )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2010|04:57 pm]

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WHO: Natalie & Comic Books
WHEN: Sometime on Thursday afternoon
WHERE: Comic-Con, San Diego
WHAT: A non-geek lost amongst the geeks
WARNINGS: Likely nothing

You always know where the X-Men have been, because it's always on fire )
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[Jul. 5th, 2010|01:40 pm]

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Who: The Red Baron [info]the_red_knight and Natalie Godfrey [info]bornincrossfire
What: After news of his ex-fiance´ and her return, the Baron has a scotch with Natalie.
Where: Natalie's apartment
When: The 4th of July
Warnings: TBD

At the first moment of uncertainty, he'd turned to the only person he could think to. )
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[Jul. 3rd, 2010|12:29 am]


Who: Natalie Godfrey and Isabella Giordano [NPC]
Where: Airline Natalie works for.
When: Friday afternoon
What: The magazine journalist comes to do a story, and hopes to run into The Baron her ex-fiancé but finds Nat instead.

Just a little one on one girl time )
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[Jun. 27th, 2010|04:57 pm]

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[Current Mood |energetic]

WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Tuesday night (29th)
WHERE: Conrad's apartment
WHAT: It's date night! Without the actual dating.
WARNINGS: A bit of language, likely nothing else.

let me steal this moment from you now )
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[May. 31st, 2010|01:30 pm]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Baron's apartment
WHAT: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
WARNINGS: swearing and likely little else.

Sympathies I'm ready to return )
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[Apr. 27th, 2010|12:53 pm]

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Who: The Red Baron and Natalie
What: Baron invites her over after a troubling week.
When: April 26th, backdated
Where: Baron's apartment
Warning: TBD

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[Apr. 7th, 2010|01:26 am]

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WHO: The Red Baron and Natalie
WHERE: Natlie's apartment
WHEN: Tuesday night
WHAT: Manfred flies back from Illinois
WARNINGS: Some small sexy times, PG-13

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[Mar. 31st, 2010|12:13 am]

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Who: The Sphinx and Open
What: She's had her fill, so she's wandering the streets
Where: Random NY Street
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of devouring dead people, The Sphinx being creepy, TBD?

Read more )
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[Mar. 25th, 2010|02:29 am]

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WHO: Natalie Godfrey & The Red Baron
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: The Baron's apartment
WHAT: Natalie comes to offer a supportive hand to the complete nutcase who thinks he's an immortal war hero.

To understand what can't be understood )
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[Mar. 22nd, 2010|06:38 am]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Monday morning
WHAT: The Red Baron really has some explaining to do.

All she knew for sure was that she most certainly shouldn't have slept with him, because it appeared to have knocked loose something inside his head in a serious way. )
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[Mar. 20th, 2010|06:21 am]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: 2am, Tokyo / 1pm, New York
WHAT: A worried late night phonecall

so we go from year to year with secrets we've been keeping )
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[Mar. 18th, 2010|12:18 am]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Tuesday night, Manfred's apartment
WHAT: Natalie needs her totally platonic BFF for hugs time.

where the oil is meeting the water )
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[Mar. 2nd, 2010|07:24 am]

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WHO: Natalie & The Red Baron
WHEN: Monday around noon
WHERE: The Baron's apartment
WHAT: Massive geekery and surprises.

No apologies ever need be made; I know you better than you fake it )
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[Feb. 9th, 2010|11:13 pm]

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Who: The Red Baron and Natalie Godfrey
What: Date (back dated to a week ago)
Where: Nice restaurant for dinner and who knows what afterwards
When: Last Friday
None that I know of, the Baron is a nice guy XD

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Show me a smile on your silly face, because I'm getting tired of this human race... [Jan. 1st, 2010|02:31 pm]

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[Current Music |"Wars" by Hurt]

Who: The Red Baron [info]the_red_knight  and Natalie [info]bornincrossfire 
What: Two fellow pilots have a conversation over the morning coffee
Where: The airway they work for
When: Friday morning
Warnings: TBD

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