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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Sep. 7th, 2009|12:29 am]

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Who: Asmodeus & Lust
When: Monday afternoon, 9/7
Where: Lust & Desmond's place
What: A lesson must be taught
Warnings: Language

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[Aug. 21st, 2009|12:29 pm]


Who: Lust, with a few guest appearances
What: Rambling thoughts on different things
When: Friday morning; 8/21
Warnings: Mild language

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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|03:39 pm]

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Who: Divorce (Desmond) & Lust
What: Surprise, surprise!
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The Villa
Warnings: Language and Chaos.  Beyond that, TBD.

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[Jul. 26th, 2009|02:09 am]

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Who: Lust and Greed
What: Giving back Fifi and five minutes of God only knows what.
Where: Lobby of Lust's building
When: Late Afternoon, Friday
Warnings: Language

Half hour ago, he wasn't so sure of that, but apparently here he was, sitting in the lobby of his sister's building with her obnoxious dog. )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2009|11:43 pm]

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Who: Eve and Lust
What: Shopping trip!
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Various stores and shops
Warnings: Panic attacks and gross misuse of credit cards

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[Jul. 4th, 2009|08:50 am]

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Who: Lust & Greed
What:The Bitch is back
When: Friday Evening
Where: The Venetian; Greed's suite at the Bellagio
Warnings: Violence, Language, Sexual Situations

Sometimes people just needed to be knocked down a few pegs... )
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[Jul. 1st, 2009|06:59 pm]

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Who: Lucifer and Lust
What: A little revisit
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Lucifer's Gallery
Warnings: TBD

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[Jun. 11th, 2009|01:40 pm]

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Who: Mona and Lust
What: Catching up
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Lust's Penthouse
Warnings: TBD

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It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure [Jun. 10th, 2009|01:42 am]
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Who: Gluttony ([info]needsmoar), Lucifer ([info]adonailucere, Lust ([info]redhots)
What: Saving Gluttony from incessant amounts of pain.
When: After this.
Where: Abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the docks.

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[Jun. 5th, 2009|07:10 am]

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Who: Divorce ([info]itsnotyouitsme) and Lust ([info]redhots)
What: Lust's triumphant return to NYC, and the ensuing chaos.
When: Wednesday evening.
Where: JFK Airport, then Lust's penthouse.
Rating: Rated for ZOMG love charms.

Though hardly early, he was uncharacteristically not late for a change. )
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West side skyline crying | Fallen angel dying [May. 23rd, 2009|12:01 am]
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Who: Sins, Demons, Satan, Goth, Metal, Fallen Angels, Sato, and anyone they decide to bring along.
What: The bad side of the Christian Pantheon throws Abaddon a party for his recent Fall. (It's really just an excuse to party, but hey, you take what you can get.)
Where: Gluttony's Penthouse
When: Friday, evening
Warnings: See: "Who"

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[May. 19th, 2009|12:35 am]

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Who: Lust and Gluttony
When: The Wee Hours of Tuesday Morning
Where: Las Vegas Airport / Bellagio
Rating: Language, sexual situations, violence (maybe?)

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I close my eyes; only for a moment - and the moment's gone. [May. 14th, 2009|12:29 am]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Gambling ([info]highroller) and Lust ([info]redhots)
What: Lust crashes the boys' party - not that they particularly mind or anything.
Where: Bellagio, Las Vegas.
When: (backdated to) Sunday evening.
Warnings: Look at who's in the log.

Dust in the wind - all they are is dust in the wind. )
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[May. 9th, 2009|12:31 am]

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Who: Lust and Greed
What: What the lady wants, she'll get. Just for a small price, of course.
Where: Lust's place
When: Friday, late evening
Rating: R - Language, Sexuality

As gloomy as some of his siblings might've been feeling, Greed brushed the incident off and continued with his schedule. )
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[Mar. 24th, 2009|11:59 pm]

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Who: Greed and Lust
What: A little bit of catching up between the Sins, but Greed sees it more as an outlet following his business transaction for the night.
Where: Lust's penthouse
When: Tuesday, late evening
Warnings: Most likely language, sex, blood, incest.

Now, devoid of his profits that he had looked forward to during the transaction, Greed need something to compensate him, to replenish his wants to the point where he could be temporarily satisfied. )
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[Jan. 10th, 2009|04:35 am]
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Who: Lust & Telecommunication
Where: The Grocery Story
When: Afternoon
Rating/Warnings: None yet

clean-up on aisle six )
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Happy Holiday! [Dec. 29th, 2008|09:27 am]
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When: December 29, 11AM
Who: Lust and Telecom,

Where: All over the city
Rating: PG for excessive cuteness


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[Dec. 15th, 2008|06:01 pm]
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Who: Lust & Telecommunication
Where: Casa De Telecom
When: Mid-morning
Rating/Warnings: R, nudity and god knows what else.

playing house )
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What day is it again? [Dec. 2nd, 2008|06:34 pm]
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Who: [info]buzzhype and [info]inhio
What: A meeting in Chinatown
When: 1:30 PM ~ish; on a Wednesday
Rating: PG, Lust is involved, afterall

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[Dec. 1st, 2008|10:07 pm]
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Who: Lust & Michael
Where: Central Park
When: Late afternoon
Rating/Warnings: None just yet!

a deadly sin and an angel walk into a bar. )
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