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You left a light on inside me, my love. [Oct. 10th, 2010|05:20 am]

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Who: Gluttony [[info]needsmoar ] & Temperance [[info]unwant ]
What: It has been a long time, but she can't avoid him forever.
When: October 09, mid-day.
Where: Around the city.
Warnings: Knowing Gluttony? Stalking and harassment, at the very least.

Temperance's shopping lists were always short and simple. )
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[Dec. 26th, 2009|03:20 am]
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[Current Mood |cheerful]

Who: Nihilism ([info]godisdead) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: Catching up.
When: December 26th, 7pm
Where: Gluttony's penthouse
Warnings: TBA

The scent of homeliness wafted through the apartment; something sweet, and sugary, and almost sickening. )
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[Dec. 17th, 2009|02:05 pm]
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Who: Beelzebub ([info]hasmoar) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: Gluttony gets his master a coffee.
When: Backdated to November 22nd.
Where: Beelzebub's apartment in Brooklyn.
Warnings: TBA.

'Maid service!' he shouted with a grin on his face. )
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[Dec. 13th, 2009|08:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Lust ([info]redhots), Gluttony ([info]needsmoar) and OPEN to Desmond.
What: Gluttony pays Lust a surprise visit, and is utterly enraptured with a babeh.
When: December 11th, 2009
Where: Lust and Desmond's abode, in LA.
Warnings: Fluff. AND BABIES.

If nothing else, he had chocolate on hand as a peace offering. )
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[Dec. 11th, 2009|03:56 am]
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Who: Temperance ([info]sophrosyne) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: A surprise visit, of course!
When: Tuesday, Dec. 8th
Where: Temperance's apartment!
Warnings: TBA

He had flipped the switch from 'Stalker Mode' to 'Super Intensive Creepy Stalker Mode' )
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[Aug. 14th, 2009|09:57 am]
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Who: Metatron ([info]hisword) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: A peaceful meeting amongst friendenemies.
When: August 11th, just after noon.
Where: Tobay Beach
Warnings: T for Gluttony's language?

A deep-set paranoia told him that Metatron had tricked him, and would take this chance to sever his head from his body. )
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[Jul. 27th, 2009|01:14 pm]
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Who: Temperance ([info]inmoderation) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: Temperance agrees to go on a not-date with Gluttony.
When: July 28th, late evening
Where: Just outside of Temperance's work, and then off to central park.
Warnings: Enough fluff to choke a bunny.

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[Jul. 26th, 2009|09:43 pm]
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Who: Gluttony ([info]needsmoar) and Sloth ([info]zombiexdearest)
What: Gluttony visits his brother.
When: July 26th, mid-afternoon.
Where: Sloth's place
Ratings: T, for excessive language. Rating could go up~?

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[Jul. 24th, 2009|11:46 pm]
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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: Gluttony  promised the God of War some hard liquor and cookies, and is bound and determined to deliver.
When: July 20th
Where: Gluttony's penthouse
Warnings: It's Gluttony and Ares. How bad can it get? Don't answer that.

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It's not the time. It's not the place - but it's not like they give a shit. [Jul. 18th, 2009|04:10 pm]

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Who: Famine ([info]malnourishment) & Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
What: Younglings fun time.
Where: Gluttony's penthouse; The Seaport Food Court later.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: Gluttony and Famine at the Food Court?

Misery loves company and company loves more. )
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It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure [Jun. 10th, 2009|01:42 am]
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Who: Gluttony ([info]needsmoar), Lucifer ([info]adonailucere, Lust ([info]redhots)
What: Saving Gluttony from incessant amounts of pain.
When: After this.
Where: Abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the docks.

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[Jun. 4th, 2009|07:27 pm]
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Who: Nihilism and Gluttony
What: Gluttony is very protective of what's his.
When: Late Wednesday night, after this.
Where: Nihilism's apartment.
Rating: R-ish.

But that's how it's got to be / It's coming down to nothing more than apathy / I'd rather run the other way than stay and see / The smoke and who's still standing when it clears )
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[Jun. 4th, 2009|04:10 am]
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Who: Michael and Gluttony
What: You have been found guilty of Holy crimes against His children. How do you plead?
Where: Abandoned warehouse, near the docks
When: June 3, Wednesday; late evening
Warnings: Possible violence, language

Of course, if the Sin was smart and annoying like most of its kind, he wouldn't come. At least not by himself. )
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West side skyline crying | Fallen angel dying [May. 23rd, 2009|12:01 am]
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Who: Sins, Demons, Satan, Goth, Metal, Fallen Angels, Sato, and anyone they decide to bring along.
What: The bad side of the Christian Pantheon throws Abaddon a party for his recent Fall. (It's really just an excuse to party, but hey, you take what you can get.)
Where: Gluttony's Penthouse
When: Friday, evening
Warnings: See: "Who"

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[May. 19th, 2009|01:36 am]
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Who: Nihilism ([info]godisdead) and Gluttony ([info]needsmoar)
When: May 21st.
Where: Nils' Apartment
Rating: M. For sex, cussing, etc.

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[May. 19th, 2009|12:35 am]

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Who: Lust and Gluttony
When: The Wee Hours of Tuesday Morning
Where: Las Vegas Airport / Bellagio
Rating: Language, sexual situations, violence (maybe?)

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[May. 16th, 2009|11:29 am]
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Who: Gluttony and Temperance
Where: Temperance's apartment
When: Forwarded to Sunday, May 17 midday
Rating/Warnings: Violence, sexual suggestions, etc.

I see you’ve resorted to breaking and entering )
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Measure twice, cut once. [May. 15th, 2009|11:06 pm]

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Who: Sato, Jesse, Coyote, Bonnie, munchkin NPCs, Divorce (Desmond), Raven, Rave, Punk, Gluttony, Athena--OPEN. Posting order and some such to be determined here
What: Sword exhibition, immortal socializing, and a friendly robbery
When: Friday early evening onto later.
Where: Murasaki Gallery

Oh, the blades… )
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DRUG GOD PARTY [May. 8th, 2009|11:26 pm]
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[Current Location |Gluttony's Penthouse]
[Current Mood |drunk]
[Current Music |Something you can dance to!]

Gluttony, Alcohol, Drug Gods + anyone they invite.
When: Saturday night
Where: Gluttony's Penthouse
Warnings: Drugs..... and language? And probably sex, violence, and other such things. *waves*

[ooc; Hey guys! Sadly, I've got an orchestra competition all day Saturday, so I won't be back 'till really late, and I might not even respond until Sunday. But, feel free to crash at Gluttony's place until he arrives! He really doesn't mind - as long as he's paid back, via drugs, for all damages that might occur. ^.~]
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[May. 7th, 2009|08:49 pm]

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Who: Wrath and Gluttony
Where: Gluttony's place
When: Directly after her thread with Satan
Warnings: Weakened!Angry!Wrath. Possible language, violence, sexuality.

Her Master had taken her Hellfire; that spark that made her job easier and reminded her of home. )
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