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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Aug. 23rd, 2011|01:41 am]

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Who: Mammon & Greed
What: Some are born to be kings. Others, were just born to be unlucky sons of b*tches.
Where: Hell - Mammon's Domain.
When: [Backlog] August 01 2011
Warnings: Possible language and all that Welcome Back to Hell jazz.

And yet. )
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[Nov. 15th, 2010|05:03 pm]
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Who: Greed & Lust
What: Greed returns home to his apartment. It is occupied
When: Monday-ish
Where: NYC

A little whistle, a little clickety-click of expensive shoes on sidewalk (for what was life without a swelling accompaniment, a little music to sweeten the day with cash to sweeten the wallet and a shuffle-ball-change of change on the horizon with the steady boom-drum-beat of heels) )
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[Aug. 1st, 2010|10:15 am]

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Who: Lancelot ([info]whitecavalier ), Franky Martinelli ([info]threattosociety ), Greed ([info]notenough )
When: Late night July 18th, following this
Where: The Martinelli Warzone Home, Greed's domicile
What: When it all comes crumbling down, where do you go?

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[Jul. 19th, 2010|06:47 pm]

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Who: Ares and Greed
What: Are You My Mother: Take 54, Action!
Where: NYC Financial District
When: [Backdated] First week of July.
Warnings: Possible language. Sexual innuendo.

The air was hot and humid, the noises of traffic and mortals alike were annoying - yes, summer indeed, was here. )
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[Jun. 18th, 2010|04:54 pm]
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Who: Greed and the kitsune (Naomi)
What: Run-ins and acquaintances. Possibly also ice-cream.
When: Friday evening (6/18/10)
Where: Central Park, NYC

The kitsune has been getting a crash course in Christian Evil, hasn't she? )
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|02:01 am]

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Who: Lust ([info]redhots ) and a shamelessly borrowed Greed ([info]notenough ) and Martel ([info]firetongue )
When: At the same time this is taking place
Where: Greed's NYC abode
What: Tuning in and cutting the cord

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"Call me when you get, Better at your game, You haven't beat me yet." [Apr. 15th, 2010|03:03 am]

[Current Music |White Gold - Metric]

Who: Greed [narrative]
What: No one remembers their first time.
Where: Las Vegas, NV
When: Wednesday, early morning; flashback to a year ago
Warnings: None

Greed didn't lie when he said he couldn't remember anything from that night. Only afterwards. )
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[Feb. 19th, 2010|02:12 pm]

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Who: Raum, Martel (The Chimera), & Greed
What: Two Christians and a Greek walked into a bar...
When: Backdated - Tuesday, February 16 (Mardi Gras)
Where: Bourbon St., New Orleans
Warning: R, most likely.

Four years later, the city was up and sinning without missing a beat. Now that was dedication. )
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"There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief. [Jan. 20th, 2010|03:53 pm]

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Who: Lust & Greed
What: A chance meeting.
When: Tuesday, minutes before closing bell (4PM).
Where: NYC Financial District
Warning: Language

His gut told him to head south on Broadway while his mind warned him that it might be something else entirely. )
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The Beast That Lay Dying. [Jan. 17th, 2010|03:08 am]

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Who: Greed [[info]notenough] and the Chimera [[info]firetongue]
What: A Sin walks into a building, and stumbles upon a chained animal.
Where: One of Greed's many warehouses.
When: Four in the morning on January seventeenth.
Warnings: Language, violence, blood, blatant social awkwardness.

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[Nov. 28th, 2009|01:32 am]

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Who: Greed ([info]notenough) and Mammon ([info]never_enough)
What: A change of tactics, and a reunion
When: Saturday, November 21st; Before the sunrise (Backdated)
Where: Greed's office building, late
Warnings: Language and Violence, to say the least

There comes a time when the cat finally catches the mouse... )
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[Oct. 31st, 2009|03:23 pm]
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Who: The American Gods and immortal co. (and Allegra)
What: Death's Halloween party
When: All Hallows' Eve
Where: Death's yacht, Yair

The heathens would be most satisfied. )
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[Oct. 28th, 2009|11:45 am]

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Who: Lust & Greed
What: An evening with two Sins. (Yes, we're starting simple.)
Where: The Taj Pierre Hotel, penthouse level
When: Wednesday, Evening
Warnings: R

More than usual, the Sin was brimming with confidence and a certain Hellish glow with the week's events. )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2009|03:26 pm]

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Who: Greed ([info]notenough) and Ashley ([info]trickyfingers )
What: Calling in a favor
When: Late Friday afternoon; 10/23
Where: Greed's offices downtown
Warnings: These two? Language, violence and general perverseness to say the least.

Read more... )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2009|10:35 pm]

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Who: Lust and Greed
What: Long time no see, lover.
Where: Lust's Villa, California
When: Thursday, early morning
Warnings: TBD

Simple enough, it just had been too long and something told him to take advantage of the civil situation between the both of them while he could. )
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[Sep. 21st, 2009|10:07 pm]

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Who: Greed, Lucifer, Beezlebub
What: A final night with Hell.
Where: Zion
When: Wednesday, evening
Warnings: TBD

Because he didn't like this. Not one bit. )
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Words cast themselves softly over the shadow that spreads underfoot. [Sep. 15th, 2009|04:01 pm]

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Who: Greed ([info]notenough) and Pride ([info]_superbia_)
What: A meeting, a chat, the like.
Where: Quieter corner of a restaurant.
When: (Backdated to) Sunday evening.
Warnings: None.

It's true - surely this world is merely a moment. In any case, we are alone, even in our last days. )
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[Aug. 4th, 2009|08:08 pm]

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Who: Divorce ([info]itsnotyouitsme) & Greed ([info]notenough)
What: Greed's the last to know everything lately.
When: Backdated to sometime Sunday afternoon/evening.
Where: The Mirage. Because we like bouncing between hotel casinos.
Warnings: Language, doubtless. Anything else TBA.

Greed received a text message from Mona telling him where; she left the when up to him. )
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[Jul. 26th, 2009|02:09 am]

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Who: Lust and Greed
What: Giving back Fifi and five minutes of God only knows what.
Where: Lobby of Lust's building
When: Late Afternoon, Friday
Warnings: Language

Half hour ago, he wasn't so sure of that, but apparently here he was, sitting in the lobby of his sister's building with her obnoxious dog. )
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[Jul. 16th, 2009|10:50 pm]

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Who: Eve & Jack Monte [NPC]
What: Jack comes back to the City, finally giving him a chance to get to know his new "roommate".
Where: Jack's loft, SoHo District
When: Late evening, Thursday
Warnings: TBA

He'll deal with consequences later. )
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